Call for volunteers: merge into Natron doc

We can keep hackmd for interactivity. For example tracking todo’s. But I think a better short time option would be to use a free account on an kanban website. What do you think ? (I’ve created one for my own todo list)

Kanban would be better, yes. Github also has a “projects” feature which is very similar to kanban and is good for project tracking (maybe even better because it can be directly tied to Github issues and PRs).

Hackmd for now is just a mirror site for easier collaboration, and for new contributors who don’t know the rST syntax to easily write things down. It has always required a manual contributor to actually convert hackmd’s markdown into properly-formatted rST (which is why pandoc doesn’t cut it), so it is by no means a primary option, but it should still be there for new contributors who don’t know rST to be able to contribute.

I followed your advice and created this:

Now we have to manage shared access to this. My understanding is that we should replicate this on NatronGithub account and Fred would manage access rights, am I right ?

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OpticalEnquiry is back online. I make a copy of it with HTTTrack just in case.

Yes, I think so.