Cannot install darktable on Windows 11

I’ve been looking for a Windows photo DAM and editor and was researching darktable. After watching a few of the basic videos I decided to download the exe and install. I switched to Windows from a Mac about two months ago. I upgraded to Windows 11 last week. I’m disappointed to find that when I run the installation executable (and bypass the “not an official Windows app” warning) nothing happens. An hourglass is displayed when the file manager is active but that’s it. I checked for any error log but I just don’t have any experience diagnosing problems on Windows yet. If anyone has any information or suggestions, please let me know.

Hi @pxlsusridx, and welcome!

W-e-l-l, I do have darktable running on a Windows 11 partition.
From where did you obtain your version?

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden

Greetings! I obtained the exe from install | darktable.

OK. Just to be on the safe side, I removed my dt
installation from Win 11, rebooted, fetched the
version you linked to, installed it, rebooted —
and tested.

Works just fine :slight_smile:

I did not receive any “not an official Windows app” warning,
though. Perhaps because I installed dt as an admin?

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden

Thank you for doing trying that exe! I have tried explicitly installing as administrator but the symptom is the same. I also just tried installing in Windows 8 compatibility mode (the most recent version offered) using the compatibility mode troubleshooter and that does proceed to a window asking if I want the app to make changes to my device, which is perhaps the beginning of an installation process. However I didn’t proceed because I don’t know the implications of installing darktable in that mode. For example, is it degraded in some way when installed in Win 8 compatibility mode?

Thanks again for your help, Claes. I appreciate it. -Steve

Hold your horses Steve :slight_smile:
Why bother with compatibility modes?
The only special thing™ I performed
was to install as an admin, and I also ran
the app as an admin.

Simply put: since I am no windowsian – if
I can manage it, so can you!

Soon dinner time over here – should you need
more info from my side, just holler.

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden

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It should install and run fine without any tricka., To be honest.

Try this version… darktable windows insider program 12/19

This version (insider program 12/19) has been properly installed without issues. Thank you Todd for providing the link. I’m up and running now and looking forward to learning the app.

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Glad to hear it must just have been something wrong with your copy…
Good luck…