cataract surgery results in blue cast in vision

Working at the railroad last week, at lunch I lamented it seemed old age “was about collecting prosthetics.” Thought the guy sitting opposite was going to squirt his soda through his nose. I didn’t think it was that funny…,

Add to that, “what did I (not) do to make that hurt?” Now 64, I’ve understood for a decade why Fred Sanford walked the way he did… :slight_smile:


Eventually, all the color cast disappeared, or more likely, my brain corrected for it. My vision seems the way it always was.


As I have mentioned in one or more previous posts, I have to wear “blue blocker” glasses when using my PC. I never connected this to the fact that I had both of my eyeball lenses replaced for cataracts around 2012, but the two may well be related.

I do take the blue blocker glasses off when I am editing for color balance.

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