Church of St John of Nepomuk (challenging dynamic range)

Is it halo? I’m not very knowledgeable in photography, so I used terminology from computer graphics, where we generally call ‘artifacts’ any unwanted artificial things popping due to the flaws in used algorithms.

imho, halos are more coarse grained, while artifacts are more fine grained. But just my opinion of the wording of both…

I gave it the Filmulator treatment with maximum drama.

  • Auto CA Correct 2
  • Profiled Distortion on
  • Exposure Compensation +1.5
  • Reduced film area (to broaden the halos)
  • Drama 100
  • White Clipping Point 0.42

As far as the halo discussion goes, I apply it to both the handful-of-pixel halos some tonemapping algorithms create and to the hundreds-of-pixel halos that Filmulator makes.


Naming is hard :slight_smile:
Thanks for the input!

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DSC_1398.jpg.pfi (35.2 KB)


My try DT 3.2.1 Thanks for posting

DSC_1398_02.NEF.xmp (13.8 KB)


This is how I see it:

DSC_1398.NEF.xmp (10,1 KB)


I had the most trouble with the sky. darktable 3.2.1

DSC_1398.NEF.xmp (6.6 KB)

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st.john.jpg.out.pp3 (14.4 KB) RawTherapee 5.8

First serious edit using RawTherapee. Bit of a steep learning curve and I’m not there yet, but I might be slightly in love…

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Here is an attempt using essentially the LAB module of RT 5.8 with a little bit of Dehaze, Wavelet Final Touchup and Edge Sharpness thrown in. There was a huge green fringing on the cross. Removed it with the Defringe module.

DSC_1398.jpg.out.pp3 (12.2 KB)

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Where is this building?

Here in Czech Republic there is a couple of churches of St John of Nepomuk, but this exact one is located in Prague (Praha 1 - Hradčany) and is also called as Military Church of St. John of Nepomuk (Vojenský kostel sv. Jana Nepomuckého in Czech language).


Although I have never been in the Czech Republic I already thought so, just wasn’t quite sure. I know that there are many John of Nepomuk churches in the Czech republic but there are also some elsewhere. I think I remembered this church subconsciously form a class at university. Well… time flies… some 20 years ago or so…

Ah… just looked it up: the architects were Christoph and Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer - quite important.


DSC_1398.NEF.xmp (55.8 KB)


Fun one to work on. Its been awhile since I’ve played with darktable.

DSC_1398.NEF.xmp (13.4 KB)


I may have gone a bit over the top, and you may spot a few halos.
(Over) processed in ART
Thanks for sharing!

Used tone equaliser, tone curves, local contast and delta E mask to darken sky
Church of St John.NEF.arp (36.0 KB)


Nice photo to play with. @a286 thanks for uploading.

DSC_1398.NEF.xmp (14.8 KB)


Thanks for sharing this church! Gave much fun to play with :+1:
RT 5.8 dev

DSC_1398_RT-1.jpg.out.pp3 (18.6 KB)


Hi Alberto, how to get your processing parameters from your jpeg files. I work of course with ART.
Thanks for the advice.

In principle, you just load them:
Screenshot from 2020-09-29 11.54.01

However, there was a bug causing an infinite loop. I have just fixed it, so you should use the latest version from master if you can…