Church of St John of Nepomuk (challenging dynamic range)

imho, halos are more coarse grained, while artifacts are more fine grained. But just my opinion of the wording of both…

I gave it the Filmulator treatment with maximum drama.

  • Auto CA Correct 2
  • Profiled Distortion on
  • Exposure Compensation +1.5
  • Reduced film area (to broaden the halos)
  • Drama 100
  • White Clipping Point 0.42

As far as the halo discussion goes, I apply it to both the handful-of-pixel halos some tonemapping algorithms create and to the hundreds-of-pixel halos that Filmulator makes.


Naming is hard :slight_smile:
Thanks for the input!

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DSC_1398.jpg.pfi (35.2 KB)


My try DT 3.2.1 Thanks for posting

DSC_1398_02.NEF.xmp (13.8 KB)


This is how I see it:

DSC_1398.NEF.xmp (10,1 KB)


I had the most trouble with the sky. darktable 3.2.1

DSC_1398.NEF.xmp (6.6 KB)

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st.john.jpg.out.pp3 (14.4 KB) RawTherapee 5.8

First serious edit using RawTherapee. Bit of a steep learning curve and I’m not there yet, but I might be slightly in love…

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Here is an attempt using essentially the LAB module of RT 5.8 with a little bit of Dehaze, Wavelet Final Touchup and Edge Sharpness thrown in. There was a huge green fringing on the cross. Removed it with the Defringe module.

DSC_1398.jpg.out.pp3 (12.2 KB)

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Where is this building?

Here in Czech Republic there is a couple of churches of St John of Nepomuk, but this exact one is located in Prague (Praha 1 - Hradčany) and is also called as Military Church of St. John of Nepomuk (Vojenský kostel sv. Jana Nepomuckého in Czech language).


Although I have never been in the Czech Republic I already thought so, just wasn’t quite sure. I know that there are many John of Nepomuk churches in the Czech republic but there are also some elsewhere. I think I remembered this church subconsciously form a class at university. Well… time flies… some 20 years ago or so…

Ah… just looked it up: the architects were Christoph and Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer - quite important.


DSC_1398.NEF.xmp (55.8 KB)


Fun one to work on. Its been awhile since I’ve played with darktable.

DSC_1398.NEF.xmp (13.4 KB)


I may have gone a bit over the top, and you may spot a few halos.
(Over) processed in ART
Thanks for sharing!

Used tone equaliser, tone curves, local contast and delta E mask to darken sky
Church of St John.NEF.arp (36.0 KB)


Nice photo to play with. @a286 thanks for uploading.

DSC_1398.NEF.xmp (14.8 KB)


Thanks for sharing this church! Gave much fun to play with :+1:
RT 5.8 dev

DSC_1398_RT-1.jpg.out.pp3 (18.6 KB)


Hi Alberto, how to get your processing parameters from your jpeg files. I work of course with ART.
Thanks for the advice.

In principle, you just load them:
Screenshot from 2020-09-29 11.54.01

However, there was a bug causing an infinite loop. I have just fixed it, so you should use the latest version from master if you can…

Ok Alberto, I compiled the last version (, but it crashes when opening a raw file.