Welcome, and thanks for the Sigma samples (@LebedevRI needs to vet those before they get accepted into RPU). It’s both interesting (and disappointing) how different vendors implement CinemaDNG, and the fragmentation and problems that leads to.
The Sigma 2K/4K files are different to Blackmagic as they are (thankfully!) uncompressed - this implies bit packing/unpacking which takes some extra work for bit depths other than 8 and 16, which is probably why dnglab fails on 10 and 12. This is weird given some hints of it in the code, so feel free to report that there. @cytrinox
The 6K file is compressed, but I assume it was taken in stills/photography mode, and is therefore of the compliant stills DNG (not CinemaDNG sequence) kind - the compression scheme is not customized in any way, and thus readily supported by dt and vkdt. (We already have the Sigma fp stills sample on RPU.)