Hi all,
I finally succeeded in having the correct calibration results . You will find below the files obtained without and with the saturation of the stereo microscope, side by side for comparison. The color difference values DeltaE are written on the images. I started from a maximum of 12.19 and decreased it to 3.67.
Uncorrected files
Calibrated files
Calibrated and normalized files
Here is my protocol
1) Pre-processing
(I took a picture of each patch under identical light conditions and assembled them together)
- RawTherapee
→ Input = output profile
→ Individual patches resize - Gimp
→ Patches assembly
→ Global resize
2) Image linearization
- RawTherapee
→ Input = RTv4_medium_g2.2 (Adobe RGB)
→ Normalization (see post 60)
→ Exposure
→ Output = RTv4_medium_g1.0 (linear AdobeRGB)
3) Profile creation
- DcamProf
→ Illuminant = D65
→ Glare correction
4) Profile attribution
- RawTherapee
→ Input = DcamProf linear profile
→ Output = RTv4_medium_g2.2 (Adobe RGB)
5) Color difference measurement
- Darktable
→ Color calibration tool
→ Check the output DeltaE
More details about RawTherapee parameters
I used RTv4_medium_g2.2 because I knew that my files had a gamma of 2.2. You have to adapt the input gamma to your specific case. It’s important to note that sRGB primaries are not large enough to cover all the colors of the ColorChecker Macbeth chart, especially the cyan.
The clip out-of-gamut colors checkbox was unchecked and the white balance was deactivated. All the output files were obtained with absolute rendering and no black point compensation.
More details about the DcamProf script
I used the make-profile -i D65 option, the default being D50. It allowed me to have the same white balance in all my workflow. I removed the glare with -g, which enhanced the profiles. In addition, I forced linearity with make-icc -t linear. I didn’t use the -W white balance option, which was degrading the result.
DcamProf script
SET target=Zeiss_ICC5_sat0_231221_RT_g22_norm_lin
SET corners=20,20,1185,15,1185,795,21,792
SET argyll_dir=C:\Users\Guillaume\AppData\Roaming\DisplayCAL\dl\Argyll_V3.1.0
SET dcam_dir=D:\Photos\dcamprof-1.0.6-win64\dcamprof-1.0.6-win64
call :LOG > "%target%.log" 2>&1
exit /B
@echo on
"%argyll_dir%\bin\scanin.exe" -v -p -dipn -F %corners% "%target%.tif" "%argyll_dir%\ref\ColorChecker.cht" "%dcam_dir%\data-examples\cc24_ref-new.cie"
"%dcam_dir%\dcamprof.exe" make-profile -i D65 -g "%dcam_dir%\data-examples\cc24-layout.json" "%target%.ti3" "%target%.json"
"%dcam_dir%\dcamprof.exe" make-icc -t linear -n "%target%_dcam_g10" "%target%.json" "%target%_dcam_g10.icc"
@echo off
del "%target%.ti3" "%target%.json"
I hope this thread can help other people in need of TIFF calibration ! Thank you to all for your fruitful discussions .