Colorchecker - auto color + luminosity correction. Is this currently possible?

No, its not side tracking…a welcome contribution right on topic as it concerns tone matching across cameras and images. Just clarifying for me.

so you are saying its not as simple as the 3D lut process, but same result?

Hmm, I found this video

So it’s like individual profiles I mentioned in my previous post. Ups, he is making RAWs looks the same like out of camera JPGs.

But, it’s also showing how many unnecessary steps are there. If for example this tool would be integrated in darktable then at last all this exporting in specific formats and importing would be unnecessary.

Ahhh, I see. That is a lot of work to go through compared to something like the utility in 3D LUT creator.

Yes, that type of utility in Darktable would certainly be awesome. I’m genuinely surprised that only DaVinci resolve offers this type of utility within the program.

if I shoot raw why I would like to match it to the in camera jpg? In that case I’ll shoot jpg!

The 3d lut utility looks interesting and very useful. And I vote for a simpler method like it in DT. Photoshop also has something like it.


Because there are nuances to photo processing and you might like some details of a JPEG rendition but not others?

Having a quick workflow for dealing with color charts would be awesome. Makes me wonder how much it would take to ‘fully automate the process’, possibly with a bit of cheating and sticking AR markers on the target.

Select a few images in the dark room, including one that contains a color chart, select ‘auto calibrate’ which looks through all the images for the marker (or the color checker directly), creates a profile, applies it to all the selected images. Quick scene referred images even under difficult illumination.

Should make for a fun project for someone stuck at home. :slight_smile:


I created Better integration of color corecting software into DT · Issue #5618 · darktable-org/darktable · GitHub so that this request won’t simply disappear in discuss history.

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Done, there :



This is a very unique and innovative feature for a raw developer… Bravo!

Where can I download a version to try this feature out? Sorry, I’m not up to speed on that.

You would need to retrieve my branch on Github and compile yourself, there is no build with it yet.

Was just poking around and found that here…

Thank you…very excited to try this out. Great stuff!

Did this make it into 3.4?

I’m in the color calibration section but cant see any place to chose a colorchart?

No, color charts for color calibration module didn’t make the 3.4 release. Not sure yet if it will come in a point release or whether it will go into the 3.6 release.


shoot. :expressionless:

Feature-freeze for 3.4 was on 1st November, that code was produced on 12th December, do the maths :wink:


Ahhhh, got it!

Maybe if there is an exe complied that has the feature included you can drop me a line here…would love to do some testing

@PhilipB If you want to have a play, here is a windows build with Aurélien’s PR compiled in:

Fantastic! Thank you!

Maybe Im doing something wrong? It doesn’t seem to be calibrating. It says bad/nan.

I followed the directions on the github page.

Try rotating the image so the initial orientation of the grid and the origentation of the color checker matches, crop the image, then scale the grid to fit over the color checker. Make sure also you have the white balance module set to “camera reference”. I tested that build using a photo of my color checker passport, and it calculated a profile just fine.