If that is not explicitly stated in the manual, then I would consider that to be a defect in the documentation, and a github issue should be raised against dtdocs.
I think in a recent post AP actually said the color picker works based on the histogram profile. It might have been @kofa with his post on the colorfulness slider in the color cat module…I should go and look it up…
I already tinkered with the above linked 3.5 win64 build which works fine. But the link to aurelians description has been inspiring as to my questions - thanks!
currently it seems to me the only way to transfer the computed color correction is via a style that is then applied to other images… For each solved question a new one arises…seems I have a lot to catch up using dt…
I think a preset will do it…it just adds coefficients to the r g and b channels of the channel mixer…
It seems like some changes have been proposed but maybe have not made it there yet…also it seems to have been confusing even for the developers…long standing thread but the last few comments are relevant to our discussion and fairly recent… Choice of display profile affects histogram, color picker values and overexposure indicators · Issue #3271 · darktable-org/darktable · GitHub
This is fixed in current master
The global color picker works in the histogram profile: https://darktable-org.github.io/dtdocs/module-reference/utility-modules/darkroom/global-color-picker/
Also the clipping indicators work in the histogram profile.
The manual at darktable.org is probably out-of-date in this aspect.
Thanks I was reading the stuff in PR 3271 of which your were a part from Nov 2019 until just recently ….it sounds like it was meant to be updated but likely just fell off the radar…
Matt Maguire sent me a link from the “new” one but it had different text…WIP I guess…
That link is the new one. The WIP version is at https://darktable-org.github.io/dtdocs/en/ and the version released with 3.4 is at darktable 4.0 user manual - darktable
The darktable.org usermanual link at frozen at the time of the 3.4 release (ie. just before Christmas). The github.io link shows the latest master branch of the dtdocs usermanual. At the moment, the dtdocs master branch just contains “bug fixes” to the docs which are relevant for DT 3.4. At some point a branch will be created for the 3.4 version oif the user manual, and master will start to take in document changes for new 3.5 features (like the new color chart and color balance rgb features).
Thanks guys for the clarification. By new I had meant the new format not the newest version so it’s good to know what is hosted where