Colors out of gamut with no extra processing

The indicators I see with this image are first the raw overexposure

I loaded the image and it only has legacy as-shot wb applied to keep it clean of edits. HLR is off.

Raw overexposure

Full gamut indicator (using blue/green) Hist profile linear rec2020 My calibrated display profile

Histogram profile set to sRGB and my display profile

Changing display profile to linear rec2020 to check for display clipping and re-test gamut


So clearly my display profile is introducing some clipping in the colorspace conversion. Its a shaper matrix profile. Maybe I should just try a matrix profile…

Nevertheless I think the indicators show the blown areas in the lights and also the out of gamut stuff fairly well for this image.

For color you can get a pretty good idea from the vectorscope as well… linear rec2020 histogram profile with a couple of flagged areas selected.

sRGB histogram profile