Comprehension of computer code relies primarily on domain-general executive...

This will interest FLOSS fans and devs alike. What happens in our brain when we read the source?


Interesting first forays into it. However they do need far greater sample size, different languages and different set of problems presented.

When I started an information science major program ca 1970 or '71, one of the first courses they required me to take was Linguistics. The material was interesting, but the professor was a pain in the ass.

You could write a research proposal. :nerd_face: What would you like to see specifically? This is a forum for discussion after all. :slight_smile:

A total bummer. A student is responsible for their own learning but when a teacher is a pain the education is greatly compromised.

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Yeah. I was lucky in that, for the only class in grad school I dropped (because the professors were HORRIBLE), one of the reasons I dropped it was because I was literally not getting anything I couldnā€™t get from the textbook. This was partly because the textbook was REALLY good and I routinely used it as a reference at one of my jobs until I loaned it to a coworker and it got lost.

Iā€™d consider python to be very readable language, so Iā€™d add at least one C-based language (curly braces and all) mainly because those are harder to read. Additionally the ā€œproblemā€ presented was majorly just well named variables with simple math and printing of result, so Iā€™d throw in at least 1 loop there and maybe 1 common basic data-structures stuff.

Good points. The author(s) did describe those limitations.

I wonder how many people would be interested in wearing MRI headgear while reading C code. :rofl: VR gaming I can understand.

In The Name Of Science we need pointer to pointer logic vs terrapin logo tests to reaffirm that computer science is not language arts.