Custom font on G'MIC

How would I create a image containing a user defined font?

I want to recreate the background of cars in this image:

@Reptorian Since it is you who are asking,
I presume you are after a clever script,
and not a fully manual approach :frowning: ?

Have fun,
Claes in Lund, Sweden

Yes, I am after a clever script.

Itā€™s currently not possible to change the default font when displaying text in Gā€™MIC, with command text. But this could be considered as an extension for the next version.
In CImg, there is indeed already an option to allows this, in method CImg<T>::draw_text().

The question is : what is the best way for the user to specify the font? Gā€™MIC has a very limited text drawing routine, so donā€™t expect complicated things like being able to specify .ttf vectorized fonts for the rendering.
In CImg, a font is given as a list of 256 (or 512) images, each being an image of a single character (encoded in 8 bits, so 256 letters + 256 optional masks associated).
This should be given as a list also in Gā€™MIC (and not as a single image, e.g a volumetric image with characters stacked along the z-axis), because each character may have a different width (or height).

Maybe the best way Iā€™m thinking about right now is to allow the command text to allows a syntax like:


where font_name is the name of a list-encoded variable that contains the font to be used
(e.g. stored before with something as store[0-255] font_name).

I need to think a bit more about that possibility.

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Having the possibility to use custom fonts will be available in the next version:

In Gā€™MIC, a ā€œfontā€ is considered as a list of 256 images (or 512, with masks) in value range [0,255], that must be stored in a variable (using command store), as shown by the example below:

foo :
  # Create background image.
  900,300,1,3 plasma. 10,10 n. 0,128

  # Create custom font.
  l[] { fontchart s. yx,16 r2dx. 75% r[32] 30,100% rv +f 255 to_rgb[-256--1] rv store custom_font }

  # Draw text with custom font.
  t. "G'MIC Rocks!",0.5~,0.5~,custom_font,1,128,255,128

which gives: