darktable 3.0.0 released


Hi everyone. I am new here and I come from LR 6.14. I recently bought Nikon Z6 and I saw that “matrix” is not supported yet. Sorry for the stupid question but what does it mean?

For now I am using workflow NEF > Adobe DNG Converter 12 > DNG 7.1 and above > then import to something like LR 6.14. Is it ok? Or am I losing something with not using native NEF file from camera?

Thank you for your replay in advance.

Hi Martin, welcome to the forum. I also have a Z 6, for which I had to go get the “matrix” to use in my hack software. I got it from RawTherapee…

I don’t know how darktable store these things, but the “matrix” is s set of nine numbers that are used in the colorspace conversion between your camera’s ability to record the spectrum and what our oh-so-limited output devices can handle. Each camera model is measured to produce these nine numbers.

Here’s the Z 6’s entriy in RawTherapee’s configuration file:

{ // Quality C, only colour matrix and PDAF lines info
        "make_model" : "Nikon Z 6",
        "dcraw_matrix" : [8210, -2534, -683, -5355, 13338, 2212, -1143, 1929, 6464], // Adobe DNG Converter 11.1 Beta ColorMatrix2
        "pdaf_pattern" : [0, 12],
        "pdaf_offset" : 32

dcraw_matrix is the relevant entry. Of note are the pdaf_* entries; RawTherapee will correct that PDAF banding thing you’ve probably heard about, if you run into it. I haven’t, yet.

Someone who knows how darktable configures such will have to pipe in about where to put those numbers.

Thanks for saving me a lot of time and tedium by confirming that dt development is incompatible with 16.04.

I try to keep the versions on all the machines that I use synchronized with the production server environment that I’m responsible for, so upgrading is a major project and I try to save time by leapfrogging LTS versions.

Which would you recommend between 18.04 and 19.10 if I was going to upgrade one machine for dt development?

I recommend 19.10. gcc is at 9.2.1, which seems to have pushed through a lot of deprecations. The foundational image libraries, jpeg, tiff, and png, are at current major versions.

Ah, you have a server you’re responsible for. I’ve got a VPS, LTS at 18.04, but that’s a very different application with almost no overlap in dependencies with my workstation. As long as they’re posting security updates for both, I’m not worried about the version difference…

Packages for 3.0.0 for several distributions are available under the following link:


I followed the instructions for Fedora 31 but got the response:

Package darktable-2.6.3-2.fc31.x86_64 is already installed.

Inserting a:

dnf erase fedora

proved to be necessary

I know dnf is just horrible, that’s why I use zypper on Fedora. Try to install it with:

dnf install darktable --allowerasing --best

Anyway, now it is installed, I think I should have waited for the new user manual.
But I seem to recall that someone posted some links to videos here for upgrading the user, so I’ll see if I can find them.

I just follow your link but I still see 2.6.2 on this link. Is there a problem ?

Edit, only darktable 3.0 packages for Fedora and OpenSuse are available (except for Leap 42.3) but still on 2.6.2 for Debian and Ubuntu. 2.6.3 on similar stable link but no 3.0.0.

I think the debian stuff needs to be updated, but it packaged 3.0.0:

[  221s] Debian archive chosen for transformation: debian.tar.xz
[  221s] converting //usr/src/packages/SOURCES/darktable-3.0.0.tar.xz to darktable-3.0.0.tar.gz
[  222s] Moving //usr/src/packages/SOURCES/darktable-3.0.0.tar.gz to //usr/src/packages/SOURCES.DEB/darktable_2.6.2.orig.tar.gz

The Debian package has been uploaded to Debian experimental shortly before the new year and compiles well at least back until buster.

Hi Francis! Could you please briefly explain how you installed dt3 using the nix package manager? I’m also using (k)ubuntu 16.04, and I haven’t found a way to get the version 3 so far (and I would prefer not to upgrade the ubuntu version at this moment)

In a terminal:

curl https://nixos.org/nix/install | sh
nix-env -i darktable
darktable &

Thanks! It worked!

Minor tip: so that you can do everything in one shot (loading the nix environment without having to log out and back in after installing), I recommend:

# Install nix
curl https://nixos.org/nix/install | sh
# Load nix environment
. ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/nix.sh
# Install darktable
nix-env -i darktable
# Run darktable
darktable &
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Hello, and thank you for this program I’m trying to learn.

Probably I have missed something, but I’ve tried to upgrade from 2.6.3 in Windows and after installing new version I just get

version: darktable 3.0.0
start: 2020:01:15 19:54:02

[init] can’t update iop_order in history table
[init] database disk image is malformed
[init] database `library.db’ couldn’t be upgraded from version 17 to 20. aborting
ERROR : cannot open database

What can I do?, apart from crying :wink:

Thank you

Hey @Alemi_Photo, welcome! Do you have experience working with databases at all? You can try and dump your database and reimport it using the sqlite cm and line tools.

Or you can try and repair the database in some automatic way.

Whatever happens, make a backup of your database now!

This is coming from a check in the migration process.

This looks like an SQLite3 error message. This is clear, the library.db database is corrupted.

The only possible conclusion :slight_smile: The only hope you have it to have a non too old backup of the library which is not corrupted.