darktable 3.0.0rc1 released

What have you tried?

Looks like information is here: Manage third-party apps & services with access to your account - Google Account Help

when i select google photos in export there a a login button, when I click on it simply opens the safari browser with current tab and in darktable google authentication windows open and asks for a verification code.

in the browser it never opens a login window for google where I can login and give permission to darktable

Just upgraded from 2.6.2 on Ubuntu. The new version is a huge step ahead.

Lighttable is so much faster and more flexible.

The new profiled denoise gives me better results. Compared to the old version I almost lose not details, only a slight sharpness decrease that I can compensate with sharpening easily.

Editing feels much easier and faster, moreover my changes look more natural than in the old version.

Currently I am experimenting with the new modules, will take some time and learning curve…

To questions right now:

  1. I cannot find the buttons to highlight over- and underexposed areas in darkroom, where are they?
  2. Where can I find the themes for editing? /home/username/.config/darktable/ only contains the old darktable.css

Ive noticed that in 3.0.0rc0 in full screen mode there were minimise, maximise and close buttons in the top bar, are they likely to come back in the final version? I thought they were quite handy.

Hi @ToddRivers and welcome!

Please: what operating system are you using?
And: from where did you obtain that 3.0.0rc0?
(Present version is 3.0.0rc1+22.)

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden

Hello Claes,
I’m using win10 64. I got the 3.0.0rc0 from Github, the Download is at the bottom of this page.

OK. Seems to be a known behaviour:

Hmmm not sure were talking about the same thing here, after pressing F11 and going full screen there were 3 min max and close buttons above the lightable/darkoom/other tabs which I havent seen on any other version of Darktable, at the time I thought they were a new feature for DT3.

apologies for the misunderstanding if the resize bug did cause the buttons to appear.!

I just reinstalled it and took this screen shot, if this helps

Hmmmm… I just installed 3.0.0rc1 on a Win X partition – and it behaves the way I would expect, i.e. normal Win minimize/maximize behaviour.
Sorry if I still misunderstand you :-((( (if so: please enlighten me!)

Ok these 2 screen shots show how it was on rc0 and how it is on rc1, both screens are fullscreen after pressing F11, rc0 has buttons ,rc1 doesnt.

hope this helps


But the buttons re-appear (in rc1) if you click F11 again?

Yeah but its not full screen if you press F11 again, and the buttons are the windows system buttons.
Im going to guess that this was a “feature” that crept in via a bug and probably wont make it into version 3.

Thanks for taking the time to answer.

download release 3.0.0rc1 there it is fixed

Hello Bernhard, I updated to rc1 pretty much as soon as it came out, the thing is I thought the new buttons were a useful new feature, being able to minimise in full screen without using the keyboard seem handy.

Maybe you just want to maximize and set your system bar to autohide

Yeah, I suppose thats one way to do it, just doesnt look as nice.

A question a bit out of laziness of mine: is there any Ubuntu deb package or even a repository out there?

PS - I already have a virtual machine where I once in a while pull the latest darktable sources and compile to try out the new features.

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see my various packages post: master branch

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Yes, a repository, Darktable 3.0 RC2


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How could’ve I missed that post? @darix You’re the man! :+1::+1:

Now that rc2 is out I might backup my database and give 3.0 a try with some real world usage.

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