darktable 3.0

@bilddateien: are you on darktable-dev mailing list or not? Just to know where I will inform you when the 3.2 article will be ready to translate. The french version is almost ready (big work done today) so should be finish quite soon. I hope to begin, and if possible finish translation at the end of the month as I will have too few time available in august.


will this be available somewhere? I’m not good at French but to get an impression and begin translating it would be fine. I’d proof-read this preliminary translation against the english version then.

The article is written on linuxfr at first but not visible by now. You could see a copy I just made there: dtorg/content/blog/2020-10-08-darktable-3.2 at 3.2-fr-images · Nilvus/dtorg · GitHub

Of course, it’s still work in progress.

English release will be on my Github next on another branch. That time, I would announce when it will be over on darktable-dev mailing list.