darktable 3.2 will be released in August

Small update, the exporthaldclut script is now in the master lua repo.


Great !

I have managed to build from source 3.1.0+2426-gd4fe89ee2, so I could import .NEF raw files from my Nikon D780 (on Ubuntu 18.04). They fail to import in the current stable version.

Have noticed that the hugin - align-stacked-images crashes


Can you provide more detail?

Would you mind sharing a raw and sidecar file?

Never mind. It was an issue with the module order. I think itā€™s solved. However, recently I experienced quite serious crashes again, but I think I cannot reproduce them.

Sure - let me get the history stack together and the urlā€™s I used

Went to this link and read the instructions

Scrolled down to the bottom.

// Get the software from GitHub

// Go home

cd ~

git clone git://github.com/darktable-org/darktable.git
cd darktable/
git submodule init
git submodule update

// Install dependencies

sudo apt-get install libgphoto2-dev libsoup2.4-dev libopenexr-dev libwebp-dev libflickcurl-dev libopenjp2-7-dev libsecret-1-dev libgraphicsmagick1-dev libcolord-dev libcolord-gtk-dev libcups2-dev libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libosmgpsmap-1.0-dev libopenjp2-7-dev llvm-3.9 clang-3.9 python3-jsonschema

// Build and install it

cd build && sudo make install

// Check where it was installed

whereis darktable


// Update your path in .profile file
// add additional path command to the bottom of .profile file

cd ~
nano .profile


// Save it

// Exit nano

// Check path is correct



// Test it

Just did another build - after doing a git pull


I have made script that builds the upcoming DT 3.2 in a clean Ubuntu 20.04 VM.

It builds, I have not yet tested it on my machine.

I read somewhere, that opencl wasnā€™t working - if that is the case in the build I have done, remains to be seen.

If you are interested, have a look here:


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There is a package for supported debian and ubuntu releases

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Ok. I think I am ecperienceing very frequent crahes again, using the lates git master from the opensuse repo
I cannot reproduce them on purpose, how do I find out more info? I think I has either something to do with filmic or with parametric masks

edit: it seems to be very stubborn, the process cannot be killed easly.
the only way I found so far is restarting the whole system which takes like 5 mintes. the system is complaining about waiting for darktable to stop

I am doing a daily update on Manjaro/Arch and see no problem.

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I also use master and update quite often (but I compile the master) and I use often filmic (sometimes parametric masks) and never had such issue.

Can someone send me a windows build of 3.2 so I can test it out for you and make a video about it? You can send a wetransfer file to enterthevlogosphere@gmail.com

Thanks guys, looking forward to it!

its current master + filmic v4 opencl, new channemixer(wip) plus some performance stuff for 3.4


Hey @MStraeten - May I ask you to create windows build of 3.2 tag (either vanilla or with PR4360 included) please?

release-3.2.0 tag + PR4360: darktable-3.1.0+2555~g154fc7397-win64.exe


Iā€™m seeing these error building the latest pull this moring:

[  7%] Generating fr/darktable.pod
Unknown format type: pod.
List of valid formats:
  - asciidoc: AsciiDoc format.
  - dia: uncompressed Dia diagrams.
  - docbook: DocBook XML.
  - guide: Gentoo Linux's XML documentation format.
  - ini: INI format.
  - kernelhelp: Help messages of each kernel compilation option.
  - latex: LaTeX format.
  - man: Good old manual page format.
  - pod: Perl Online Documentation format.
  - rubydoc: Ruby Documentation (RD) format.
  - sgml: either DebianDoc or DocBook DTD.
  - texinfo: The info page format.
  - tex: generic TeX documents (see also latex).
  - text: simple text document.
  - wml: WML documents.
  - xhtml: XHTML documents.
  - xml: generic XML documents (see also docbook).
  - yaml: YAML documents.

this is most likelly po4a problem and not darktableā€™s. You can temporarly uninstall po4a on your system, which would skip generating manual and will allow you to fully compile program itself