darktable 3.4.0 is out

Thank you for the advices.

It is more or less what i was doing in 3.2, usin filmic, color balance, contrast equalizer and some times local contrast and denoise.

The only change has been color correction instead of white balance,
I have to try it more deeply with the modern workflow.

I use to read aureliens tutos, but u have toadmit i miss most of what he explains.

I don’t like videos, because most are in english and more difficult to unspderstand, much more when you don’ t jndestand the technical stuff.

With lightroom you have much more sources of info in your own language.
But it is not somethin you can blame to darktable, simply there is much more people using lightroom.

Forums were the place where you could gather info in the past, now most of them are dead. It is great to have this one about darktable. There is no such a thin in spanish, we have a corner about darktable in our forum, ojodogital.com, but not too may people there with knowledge about it.

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HI, I’m typing this just to say thanks for the guidance and recommendations you gave here, on Jan. 2nd, about how to use dt - especially if you are an escapee from Lr. I read your posts back when you wrote them; reading them again today I get even more value from them, especially as, having a learning rate which is easily over-taken by techtonic plate motion, I have often been discouraged by the apparent impenetrability of some of the newer dt modules. I’ll stick with it based on your encouragement. Thank you.

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@ariznaf, @Eduardo_Battaglia
There wasn’t, but now there is… :grinning: For spanish speakers, a new dedicated darktable community has started, darktable.org.es.


Ya me he apuntado, gracias.

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