Darktable 3:RGB or Lab? Which Modules? Help!

A very slight S-shape.

I considered using least squares, but thatā€™s kinda cheating. Almost gave in because the second derivative was resisting for a long time, but I found a closed analytical solution for everything I wanted. Iā€™m about to sit down and write a longer post on it, or severalā€¦ more later today :slight_smile:

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So we will have to create an tone curve preset maybe strong and then use opacity as a new global contrast slider??

Iā€™m on board and thrilled that work on DT is striving to push the envelope but really a raw editor with no contrast slider in a current moduleā€¦it may have been flawed but the combination of the fulcrum and contrast slider in the current CB module were quick and if not correct could often generally produce pleasing results quickly right from the same control that you could be tweaking tones and colorā€¦ā€¦I think it will be missed

So we will have to create an tone curve preset maybe strong and then use opacity as a new global contrast slider??

Iā€™m on board and thrilled that work on DT is striving to push the envelope but really a raw editor with no contrast slider in a current moduleā€¦it may have been flawed but the combination of the fulcrum and contrast slider in the current CB module were quick and if not correct could often generally produce pleasing results quickly right from the same control that you could be tweaking tones and colorā€¦ā€¦I think it will be missed

Hold on.

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Consider me holdingā€¦thanks for the responseā€¦

Is there the same problem with rawtherapee? And in that case what is the best approach?