Darktable and .jxl files

Hi All, I am running Ubuntu 22.04 and upgraded darktable 4.01 to darktable 4.2.
I cant find any options regarding the .jxl file format on export and cant import .jxl files. Any suggestions.

Hi, how have you installed darktable? Deb, flatpak, snap or something else?

Or could it be related to (the absence of) ISOBMFF support in your Exiv2 version? See e.g. https://discuss.pixls.us/t/upgraded-to-darktable-4-2-now-cant-import-cr3-files/

AFAIK, the required libjxl is available only in lunar (23.04), so it might not be enabled (it is needed at build time, not just run time)…

Check w/ darktable --version, my Windows one says:

this is darktable 4.2.0
copyright (c) 2009-2022 johannes hanika

compile options:
  bit depth is 64 bit
  normal build
  SSE2 optimized codepath enabled
  OpenMP support enabled
  OpenCL support enabled
  Lua support enabled, API version 9.0.0
  Colord support disabled
  gPhoto2 support enabled
  GraphicsMagick support enabled
  ImageMagick support disabled
  libavif support enabled
  libheif support enabled
  libjxl support enabled
  OpenJPEG support enabled
  OpenEXR support enabled
  WebP support enabled

@rvietor We didn’t gate the JPEG XL support that way, only CR3 - one just won’t get any Exif information if Exiv2 is missing BMFF support… (and the same applies to AVIF/HEIC)

Hi Installed deb package

Only the flatpack darktable 4.2 has the jxl format availabe on export. Deb and snap do not have the jxl format available. Thanks for the inputs.

The deb missed jxl because of the missing dependency.