darktable : jpeg from camera consistently look sharper than raw

I think the support here is better than most commercial software offerings by a good bit… I mean, have you ever tried to contact Adobe?

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It is rather nice to be here, isn’t it.

You might have noticed that I’m new on this forum, although I’ve been lurking for a while before I became a member, and I have to say it is a big step up from other fora (let alone the “professional” help-desks).

Seems to me that the moderators (you among them) are doing a nice job, even though you don’t seem to run into that much stuff that needs correcting, stuff seems to auto-correct without vi vs emacs or canon vs nikon wars breaking out :slight_smile: . At least I haven’t notice it yet.

But I digress: sharpening RAW’s seems to be the topic here…

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“vi vs emacs”

You don’t kick a dog to see if it’s sleeping!

I did. You think why I’d rather write my own tools than pay a dime to Adobe? :stuck_out_tongue: And don’t get me started on Microsoft support, that’s one of reasons why I haven’t really used windows since 2005 :stuck_out_tongue:

Shut up!


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Indeed. I ran a test case yesterday where I processed a raw file from by Canon, just using the DT 3 base corrections with little more than their default settings. I found my processed file was clearly sharper than my OOC jpeg at equivalent settings. Not that the OOC image was all that bad, I might add.

I could have easily made the processed raw far sharper had I spend more time on it.

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