I think the support here is better than most commercial software offerings by a good bit… I mean, have you ever tried to contact Adobe?
It is rather nice to be here, isn’t it.
You might have noticed that I’m new on this forum, although I’ve been lurking for a while before I became a member, and I have to say it is a big step up from other fora (let alone the “professional” help-desks).
Seems to me that the moderators (you among them) are doing a nice job, even though you don’t seem to run into that much stuff that needs correcting, stuff seems to auto-correct without vi vs emacs or canon vs nikon wars breaking out . At least I haven’t notice it yet.
But I digress: sharpening RAW’s seems to be the topic here…
“vi vs emacs”
You don’t kick a dog to see if it’s sleeping!
I did. You think why I’d rather write my own tools than pay a dime to Adobe? And don’t get me started on Microsoft support, that’s one of reasons why I haven’t really used windows since 2005
Shut up!
Indeed. I ran a test case yesterday where I processed a raw file from by Canon, just using the DT 3 base corrections with little more than their default settings. I found my processed file was clearly sharper than my OOC jpeg at equivalent settings. Not that the OOC image was all that bad, I might add.
I could have easily made the processed raw far sharper had I spend more time on it.