I use a Mixture of Exposure and Color Zone to even out Fade in skies.
Settings (Masking should be identical for both the Exposure and Color Zone modules)
Use the “H” parametric mask to select only blue sky region, and not mountains, trees, etc…
Make sure to change the “L” parametric mask to be subtractive, then use the eye dropper tool to help you set up you 100% and 0% sliders as shown above.
For me, typical exposure adjustment is somewhere between -0.05 and -0.2
In the Color Zones module I just boost the blue’s saturation (with the same mask and parametric masks applied as were used in exposure module) until the regions appear to have similar hue/saturation.
Using “Small” view can help to see the Fade more pronounced.
Example below is a merge that came from enfuse.
This can really save images that get “Halos” from HDR or enfuse.
Hope this helps others.