Darktable - Windows performance

This is old, but interesting.

Yes, interesting, although here either OpenCL benchmarks are (nearly) the same for both OSes or definitely won by Windows setup :slight_smile:

In the microphone scene, ROCm on Linux led to better performance than on Windows. The NVIDIA driver performance remained the same.

Not a dramatic difference, but a definitive win. But the important thing is that AMD drivers seemed to show different performance, while Nvidia was even.

ā€¦ in 2018.

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Yep, that was 6 years ago, right now AMD should be even better than it was, especially with their commitment to open source drivers support.

And now:

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OK, no need to stay in 2018 :slight_smile: Just went through current cross-platform OpenCL benchmarks - Luxmark 3.1 and Geekbench 6.
Geekbench 6 - Cross-Platform Benchmark
Releases Ā· LuxCoreRender/LuxMark (github.com)
And here are my results, if youā€™d find time and could run yours on Linux - that would be interesting comparison and weā€™d know whether differencies in DT OpenCL performance on both platforms are matter of driver or DT itself?

Zrzut ekranu 2024-06-28 141706
Zrzut ekranu 2024-06-28 160536
Zrzut ekranu 2024-06-28 161518

Do you mean I should run the tests on Linux and Nvidia?

geekbench: ASUS System Product Name - Geekbench

OpenCL Score

Maybe thereā€™s a sub-score thatā€™s more relevant, though.

OpenCL Performance

OpenCL Score 38061
Background Blur 24686
102.2 images/sec
Face Detection 14376
46.9 images/sec
Horizon Detection 48778
1.52 Gpixels/sec
Edge Detection 59283
2.20 Gpixels/sec
Gaussian Blur 56620
2.47 Gpixels/sec
Feature Matching 6084
239.8 Mpixels/sec
Stereo Matching 134798
128.1 Gpixels/sec
Particle Physics 92422
4067.6 FPS

Luxmark did not run:

kofa@eagle:/tmp/luxmark-v3.1$ ./luxmark
./luxmark.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libglut.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
kofa@eagle:/tmp/luxmark-v3.1$ ./luxmark.bin 
./luxmark.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libembree.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I do have libglut installed:

kofa@eagle:/tmp/luxmark-v3.1$ dpkg -S libglut.so.3
libglut3.12:amd64: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglut.so.3.12
libglut3.12:amd64: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglut.so.3.12.0
kofa@eagle:/tmp/luxmark-v3.1$ sudo apt install libglut3.12
[sudo] password for kofa: 
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
libglut3.12 is already the newest version (3.4.0-1).
libglut3.12 set to manually installed.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 17 not upgraded.

Try going to your config folderā€¦delete all the opencl kernelsā€¦DT will regenerate new ones I have a feeling this has the potential to helpā€¦ I have seen issues here before. Iā€™m away and killing time on my phone but Kofa can likely tell you where they areā€¦ there are in an obscure directory in your user appdata folder

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C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\darktable (some of the path is hidden). Using a variable (for non-English Windows): %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\darktable

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Here are my detailed results running Geekbench - still all indicate that W6600 should run faster in DT benchmarks than GTX1060:

Try going to your config folderā€¦delete all the opencl kernelsā€¦DT will regenerate new ones I have a feeling this has the potential to helpā€¦ I have seen issues here before. Iā€™m away and killing time on my phone but Kofa can likely tell you where they areā€¦ there are in an obscure directory in your user appdata folder

Thanks, Iā€™ll give it a shot and let know results here, but as I mentioned before I did also fresh DT install on my sonā€™s freshly built PC with even more powerful RX 7600 and results were just slightly better, unfortunately comparable to DT+GTX1060 running on Linux.

Cleared contents of %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\darktable directory and results are still +/- the same.

Okayā€¦it was worth a shot @kofaā€¦thanks for providing the location infoā€¦

The only thing I tweaked that really seemed to help for my 3060ti was micronap set equal to 0 from its defaultā€¦I think it might not be a suggested setting but it sped things up considerably for me and my installs over many iteration are not crashingā€¦itā€™s easy to revert also

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Thank you, Iā€™ll try this setting too.
To be clear - Iā€™m happy with Darktable and itā€™s performance is OK for me on my PC I just like to benchmark new hardware when I get this :smiley:
And DT is so nice refresh after using Lightroom/Acdsee/Exposure X6 before - all these failed me - Adobe by switching to subscription-only model, Acdsee was terribly slow with Fuji RAW files, Exposure is not working properly with 4k screens and dropped development a few years ago. I was following Darktable development for years, but did not focused on this until recently, when Exposure abandoned its product. Took a time to learn Darktable basics and it is really great product now.
So thank you for your support guys, I appreciate this!

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