Do I need a desktop PC?

My last desktop was a 486, fwiw… :slight_smile:

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Actually yes… I have the UPLIFT sit/stand desk… The desktop itself is 30x80inches :slight_smile:

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No doubt one for each corner of your wraparound desk. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: (Edit: Oh, I just saw your comment.) I had a grade school friend whose basement was like an office. He and his 2 brothers would be gaming with their friends after homework.

and heat sinks taped to your legs? :smiley:

I could use some heatsinks taped to my legs in this weather.

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Source: From anime TV show My Hero Academia.

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I have a desktop, laptop, Chromebook and phone. If I receive an email or text on any of my portable devices, I wait until I’m at my desktop before replying to it. That should tell you what I prefer.
I use my portable devices only when I have to. But for me, it’s keyboard and mouse, desktop PC and ultrawidescreen monitor all the way. For me it’s the most ergonomic and powerful option. I also love to tinker with hardware, so I’m biased in that regard.

That said, laptops are the best solution for a lot of people. Horses for courses and all that.

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These folks criticize models with poor thermal performance, time and time again:

They are more thorough than others I’m aware of. Quite impressive given the difficulty of doing this level of testing while still making money from journalism. Not easy. Kudos to them.


One more about “thermals”, I wonder how important that is with darktable and similar? @chris (I think it was) mentioned Blender (video rendering), that takes the hardware really to its limits.

What do you mean? If your CPU throttles to half speed, exports take twice as long, and every slider movement takes twice as long to show on screen.

OpenCL can help quite a bit, if available, by moving large chunks of that work off the CPU.