enfuse_pro plugin - cross-platform compatible

What do your logs say?

Easier said than done :wink: This page points me to C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\darktable\darktable-log.txt

Well, no such folder.

If you put the hello world lua example in your lua file, does it print when you start darktable?

print("Hello World !")

You have to replace [username] with your username.

No kiddin’! :wink:

Even though I state “view hidden files” the \INetCache\ folder does not show for me. However, I do get the darktable-log.txt when I do a search.

I do get “Hallo World!”. That was sort of clear because I do get the enfuse export options.

The darktable-log.txt was sort of empty, so I started dt from CMD with: "C:\Program Files\darktable\bin\darktable.exe" -d all

I get then just two enfuse references:

124.645435 LUA ERROR : ...e\AppData\Local\darktable/lua/contrib/enfuseAdvanced.lua:465: attempt to call a number value (local '_')
stack traceback:
	[C]: in local '_'
	...e\AppData\Local\darktable/lua/contrib/enfuseAdvanced.lua:465: in function <...e\AppData\Local\darktable/lua/contrib/enfuseAdvanced.lua:419>
124.648429 [run_job-] 06 296258163.269340 124.649428 export | queue: 3 | priority: 0124.649428 
124.649428 [add_job] 0 | 124.649428 lua: destroy storage param | queue: 4 | priority: 0124.654428 
124.655434 [run_job+] 03 296258163.276345 124.655434 lua: destroy storage param | queue: 4 | priority: 0124.655434 
124.656427 [run_job-] 03 296258163.277338 124.656427 lua: destroy storage param | queue: 4 | priority: 0124.656427 

I also wonder why I don’t get the LUA option in preferences? I presume enfuseAdvanced.lua might was written for pre 3.0.* and simply doesn’t work in the latest version?

Please tell us where you found it.

Have you downloaded the complete tree or just the enfuseAdvanced.lua file?
You need at least:

No, then you would get the error: “This application is written for lua api version XXX or later.”
I have no windows here, but can you try to replace the ‘/’ with ‘\’ in line 71.

I did the git from https://github.com/darktable-org/lua-scripts.git, so those files and folders are there. They are not called in luarc though. Do I need to call them?


I changed 1,2,3 / to \ or \\ (all options) - no change. I do get the LUA GUI for the contrib/image_stack module (that also uses ‘/’).

My complete luarc looks like this:
require "contrib/enfuseAdvanced"
-- require "contrib/image_stack"


Please undo the changes I suggested, that was wrong.

I looked closer at the script.

  1. You can’t find any options because there are no options in the preferences.
  2. Just select “DRI or DFF image” as storage option:

OK, I have that menu. It’s not creating files though.

In the meantime I use enfuse.exe from the command line. That works fine.

I have been using Darktable for a bit, thank you for the Script Manager, it works very well.

When I try focus stacking from export selected how to I choose or find where the stacked image is saved?

@Fzyace: Please post your question in one place. Possible answer to your question can be found here [your initial thread].