Error Message on Darktable Launch

I recently installed the newest version of DT from the .org website. Every time I launch DT I get this response. When I click on ok or the X it closes the application.

Did you have a previous version running??

I don’t think so. I uninstalled the older version, then installed the new one. I will double check to make sure I did this.

If you did what the message tells you to do, people could look into it.

Look for the txt and upload it.

I’m not sure what the message is telling me to do. Copy the txt file and paste it here?

Use the upload button or just drag the file into the text box. It will then upload the .txt as it is.


Here is the text file.

darktable_bt_6K66U1.txt (23.9 KB)

Thank you, I uploaded the text file in the thread.

Yes, seems good. Now smarter people than me can look into it. :+1:

What you could test in the meantime…
Rename the DT-config folder and try to start: C:\Users\Patrick\AppData\Local\darktable
So we can see, if there is any setting causing a problem.

Or, if you are in the mood for some testing, you could try the weekly insider builds:

They contain bugfixes and here and there new features. Normally they work quite well. Maybe there is already a fix for your problem.

Oh, forgot:

There is probably also a log file in: C:\Users\Patrick\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\darktable you could share.

Maybe just reinstall Dt and see if the problem goes away. I only this week had issues because I installed Avast Security on my Windows computer and needed to reinstall DT afterwards

I use the weekly insider builds and there are some new features worth testing.

A few folks posted about the ntdll.dll issue, but i can’t recall the resolution.

Edit: i think they right click and changed something in the darktable links. I’m searching GitHub and can’t find the issue.

It comes up in a lot of searches as its part of the log list but not really the error…


You could try to install DT in a new directory…so change the default of the installer… so maybe “C:\Program Files\DT…" so use DT instead of darktable as the folder

Now modify your shortcut. You will need to right click on it and check the properties…

This should give you the command line…

In there if you use --configdir as a command line switch and follow that with “path” where path is text to a new empty folder to hold some new config files then all things being equal this should work …maybe just being paranoid redownload your source exe for the install…

eg this is my command line…

“C:\Program Files\darktable\bin\darktable.exe” --configdir “C:\DT_configdir” --cachedir “C:\DT_config” --tmpdir “C:\DT_config” -d all

My DT install is in the default directory currently and I keep my config files in one directory and my temp files and thumbs etc in another just so I have them handy and I can manage them as I like… the -d is for debugging which might also come in handy until you are sorted…

I am not incredibly knowledgeable about the Windows system, but I deleted every file in the Darktable directory path and reinstalled. It appears to launch without the error message now.

If the sledge hammer works …use it… :slight_smile: glad you got it working… The method that I tried to explain can be leveraged to run more than one version on the same machine… so for example the current release vs the current master which is the live code at any current time…