Compiled clean the last couple of days and segmentation is still triggering crashes quite often…at least on windows… I will see if I missed something
When was your last one? This has just been merged a few hours ago and fixed the crashes for me.
Not as quick as it was …there was a build just activating it seemed to cause the crash…
It has happened switching to the mode or sometimes it takes some changing of the settings…
I am running it with -d all but I can’t find any log files in the usual spots and there is no error on exit it just abruptly closes… I will try to run it from the windows command line to see if that makes a difference…
Edit : WIndows update must have enabled hide system folders…
I induced the crash… this was what it flagged…
I’ll try to do it systematically and see if I can figure out if it is just something on my end before I file any bug report…
I would try the latest commits.
Seems that you are here:
Get there:
This might make things easier.
Just when I thought I was caught up…
The nightly pkg just finished and it should contain all the fixes.
I can confirm it fixes the segmentation based HLR crash… working well.
If needed, but the stuff I’m thinking about adding wouldn’t brake anything and can be appended to the module with the current behavior as a subset. So hopefully no need for versions of color management in a while.
Blooming should be its own module and not a feature in the display transform, if you ask me.
You’re right, I should make a diffuse or sharpen preset that takes care of the highlights.
Here’s a recent image where I found sigmoid worked really well. I find myself using tone eq a lot more with sigmoid, but I don’t use local contrast (or d&s for the same purpose) as much. Although I did use the former in this one. Not as much color balance rgb either…
Feel free to treat this as a Play Raw if you like!
DSC09548.ARW.xmp (14.8 KB)
This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.
Edit: I didn’t attach the raw file!
DSC09548.ARW (12.1 MB)
This thread doesn’t have the darktable category on it.
Good point. I’ve just added it. @priort , feel free to give me a punch if I’ve broken any rules and change the tags if you like!
The main issue I’ve always had with Filmic RGB has been the colours. Red tones especially.
Now I see, straight at the defaults settings of Sigmoid, they look really nice - normal, pleasing warm red instead of muddy-pinkish.
Not to mention that the actual box is warm red, not like the left (filmic) rendering:
And the midtones contrast is much better.
For now - I really like it!
I get the impression that blue skies are often better preserved by filmic, while reds, oranges and yellows are more pleasing with sigmoid.
Hey if you clean up my mess… no way… thx
Also (completely offtopic to sigmoid ), it says
that caused the Access violation. Are you using source files that use imagemagick to read them in?
That recent update from yesterday or the day before seems to have fixed it for me…
Here’s a picture I found particularly tricky to work with:
DSCF9359.RAF (13.6 MB)
Sigmoid, stock:
Filmic v6:
Filmic v5 with no color preservation:
I very much like the look of the sigmoid module! The preserve hue slider perfectly solves that tricky tradeoff between highlight desaturation and hightligh hue shifts. To my mind, there’s just no right answer when it comes to highlight color: some pictures look better with “just” desaturation, others with a little bit of a hue twist. The only other raw developer I’m aware of to expose this tradeoff is Silkypix.
I also tried the sigmoid module in a number of other problematic pictures in my library, and I am impressed: In most cases, I can get filmic’s great tonal rendering, while maintaining sane highlight colors and a subtle, analog look. Great stuff!
I can’t wait for the December release of Darktable to fully incorporate this into my editing workflow!
Thanks a lot for this preset, with the same logic, I made one for the lowlights.
This is a good idea, this module is great, I made two presets, one to add clarity and the other adds local contrast which I use with the ones mentioned above.
Here are the 6 presets integrated in two styles.
All ideas are welcome to improve them.
Clarity & texture for Sigmoid.dtstyle (1.3 KB)
Local contrast & texture for Sigmoid.dtstyle (1.3 KB)
Greetings from Brussels
having played with the marokko cr2 file from this thread (care needed with white level to properly reconstruct the highlights),
I have to admit, I do see what people like here. Filmic v6 (basically all modes) do have that ‘salmon’ crossover between the extreme bright of the sun, and the glow around it.
Sigmoid in the ‘per channel’ mode has this too. Then toying with the ‘preserve hue’ slider can resolve this, but it does it by switching the colors to yellow which I don’t like at all.
Switching it to ‘rgb ratio’ sort of fixes it directly how I want it (to be honest, the ‘skew’ had to go as low as it will go with this image, and that’s even with using the tone equalizer to lower the highlights.
But it’s also clear what’s happening with sigmoid: It does a smooth transition, in there it looses the sun disc. Filmic leaves the sun disc as a bright, separate entity in the sky.
Now, in this case, I would prefer the sigmoid rendering. But if I would want the sun disc as clear as in filmic mode, it gets harder.
So, when I have some time, I’ll be searching over my own collection to see if I have some highlights with bright suns in them :).
Here are a couple of images that could be used to examine hue/saturation and the backpack image has some shadow and detail on the pavement and a few other areas…
IMG_20221020_145140.dng (76.2 MB)
A7M3hSLI000100NR0.ARW (47.2 MB)