Experimenting with HLG and HDR10 for still images

OK, here’s the TIF and resulting video from a more recent attempt.

Command line was:
ffmpeg -loop 1 -r 24 -t 30 -i DSC02236.tif -vf pad=3840:2160:302:0:black,zscale=tin=linear:t=arib-std-b67:npl=800:m=bt2020nc,format=yuv420p10le -c:v libx265 -preset medium -crf 26 -x265-params "colorprim=bt2020:atc-sei=18:colormatrix=bt2020nc" naturalbridge.mp4

DSC02236.tif (33.2 MB)

Pixls mangled the MP4, reuploading in a zipfile…

naturalbridge.zip (2.8 MB)

This MP4 file triggers HLG mode when casted to a Vizio P65-F1 using the LocalCast app on Android. Playback via USB should work too?