Fatal error in build of 4.6.1 - I don't understand how to fix

More than duplicated actually :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Are you interested in building darktable from source or using darktable 4.6.1? There are likely easier options if you just want to use it. For your case on Mint 21.3 (Ubuntu 22.04) I would suggest OBS as described in www.darktable.org

echo 'deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/graphics:/darktable/xUbuntu_22.04/ /' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/graphics:darktable.list
curl -fsSL https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/graphics:darktable/xUbuntu_22.04/Release.key | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/graphics_darktable.gpg > /dev/null
sudo apt update
sudo apt install darktable

Thanks for such a clear explanation - sorry that I didnā€™t fully appreciate the implications of your earlier comment.

In my defence, I have no idea of how this file got installed - its creation date is 1 Jan 24 - and I am absolutely sure that I have done nothing with lensfun this year - or indeed in 2023 or 2022 since I was having no problem with that functionality, even in compiling dt multiple times last year. I also had no idea that this file is part of lensfun 0.3.95 but not part of 0.3.2-6 - how could I know that, given my level of expertise? Having deleted 0.3.95. which was all in one folder in my /home directory, I considered that level of lensfun deleted - as I claimed.

I have to assume it was installed as part of some other package- like GIMP or RawTherapee.

Assuming that I can delete it without impact on other applications, I will try a build after having done so.

No I have never tried to build it myself: my first use of lensfun was with my first attempts to use dt - back in 2019 I think. At that time I never tried compiling anything in Linux because of the well established difficulties of doing so, and having failed in every attempt since about 1995, in my first introduction to Red Hat Linux.

The fact of APT not seeing this header file in /usr/local explains why I missed it when checking to be sure I had deleted lensfun 0.3.95

I very much take your point about one communication channel: I resorted to using the mailing list as I had the feeling that I had received as much help as I could reasonbaly expect from this channel, without annoying people by re-posting on the topic.

Thanks for the suggestion. I was trying to build for myself because the OBS offers only version 4.6.0-1.1, which I already have, at this time ,and not the just announced 4.6.1.

Having now removed the offending lensfun header file, the published source package compiles without error, producing a version of darktable which will not run: it posts a message:
ā€œ0.0700 [rawspeed] rawspeed::camera::Camera(const pugi::xml_node&)::<lambda()>, line 75: Attribute ā€˜supportedā€™ has unknown value.ā€

Something is still not quite right with your source tree (or how you install/run after building) - this is on line 79 in 4.6.1 source code (darktable-4.6.1.tar.xz).

Iā€™m not a dev, but also compile dt on my own (Ubuntu). And I had the very same error. After trying:

git pull --recurse-submodules=yes

everything compiled fine for me.

Please read the rest of the threadā€¦ OP is now having a problem with a version compiled from a downloaded tarball, not a Git clone, so any git commands are irrelevant in this situation.

At the risk of further irritating somebody who has given me excellent advice which I didnā€™t understand, I should now tell you after discovering and removing other liblensfun files in /usr/local/lib, dt 4.6.1 now builds and runs without problem.

All I can say is ā€œdefecation!ā€. Even after 5 non-stop days and 14 build attempts, this (expletive deleted) liblensfun version 0.3.95 was still causing me problems; ignoring your advice didnā€™t help - but thank you anyway.

Good! Itā€™s the only way to learn and get the experience Iā€™m afraid!

I think you might enjoy another example of ā€˜I told you soā€™ in the last update I just made to my thread ā€˜rt build fails with failure to find lensfun.hā€™ over in the rawtherapee category. And yes, you certainly told me so!