I could have worded that better, let me clarify:
- “SuperResolution” sounds like a thing, but it isn’t. There are many techniques for increasing resolution, very different to each other (1) (2) (3) etc. In a technical discussion, something which could mean anything means nothing.
- You’re asking for two things: upscaling and subsequent stacking using a median or linear blend.
- Those things require perfectly aligned images. Not easy with various raw formats.
- Usability of such a feature is severely limited: the scene must be static, and if raw image alignment is not implemented then the shots would also need to be perfectly registered.
- Feature requests for blending and alignment have been open for ages, no one is working on them.
- HDRMerge has two developers, both heavily involved in other things. I don’t count myself, as I just fixed one bug and will update its website.