The problem, then, is dt’s pipeline is not designed to deal with RGB values above 100%. It won’t clip them, sure, but controls (for example : masking/blending parameter and Lab controls) stop at 100% and Lab transfer functions will become very unstable above. As a consequence, you can’t control much the blown highlights in the pipe, between exposure and filmic module (the only exception being the CDL mode in colour balance, because it’s specifically intended for that purpose).
Just to wrap up the discussion.
The 3.0.0’s new version of filmic is a significant step forward. Didn’t played with it enough yet, but at the first impression it is great! Just for comparison did the image this thread was started about and got the desired result very quickly. No more tint issue. Great job, thanks to everybody who participated and especially the devs!
However I think it would differ in what tricks might be used with the new version, though. Probably the new thread is to be opened?