Filmic RGB - loss of detail and saturation in high contrast scenes

And another: 2 edits

Raw and XMP
_MG_9821.CR2 (22.0 MB) _MG_9821.CR2.xmp (8.0 KB)

Sorry no magic here….

_MG_9821.CR2.xmp (22.6 KB)

@Chris_Harris both are extremely nice! What do you think is the problem with them? I couldn’t find fault with the photo of the houses and the mountains, so I didn’t edit it, but I put my own spin on the boat.


Hi thanks for that. I don’t think there was anything wrong with them in particular. The house one is a bit soft but nothing to done with that :slight_smile: Just a couple of shots that I was using to practice with darktable. I was just responding to @afre who suggested that I post a couple of shots here for comment.

Off to have a look at your XMP file now :slight_smile: I like that shot with the cooler colour balance too, as you have it, the version I posted was messing around with different white balances, the shot was taken very late in the day in the blue hour.

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Was totally expecting more penguin edits. Your shots are beautiful by the way.

Remember that we have a category where you can share your finished works. :wink:

Or where you give permission for the community to play with your images.

Hmm OK so share you sidecar file with me but how do I use it? If I replace the one in my original image directory I’ll loose my edits and history. What do you good people normal do to handle this?

select the image in lighttable mode, go to “selected images” → “duplicate” , then select the duplicate and go to “history stack” → “discard history” then “load sidecar file”.