Fun with bugs: The truth is out there

We’ve seen weird things like that before:

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Oh dear. I was hoping for Arthropods. :disappointed_relieved:

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did you set the white fulcrum properly in color balance rgb module?

I didn’t set anything apart from the brilliance sliders. But no matter what I set I believe it shouldn’t end up doing this. :smiley:

I believe your belief is quite unreasonable in scene referred workflow. If your setting are garbage, then your image should be to.

And that’s why I’m skeptical when it comes to reporting bugs. Because even the most obvious glitch (such as this one) can be relativized by people like you.


Ignoring how the module works and the manual in not a glitch, it’s a choice.

My setting is within the allowed boundaries. What else should I do?
You know, the usual way of using software isn’t based on trying to work out when it works properly. Do you personally expect to see UFOs when fiddling with brightness?

From the manual:

Display-referred implementations of power functions assume that white is at 100%, which removes the need for normalization. For scene-referred purposes this needs to be taken into account.

Ok, now please try to translate this to a regular user who has no idea what’s beneath the UI, and don’t forget to enlighten me on how this relates to UFO. Thank you.

Just read the chapter, or… expect also dragons when you push things into undefined teritory.

I did and I don’t understand it. It also says that

This is used to normalize the power setting in the 4 ways tab.

I used neither the 4-ways tab nor display-referred modules. Everything’s on default using the scene-referred workflow.

Who is the target audience of this application again? After 3 years of using DT I finally start to see why people avoid it if the manual is the first thing to open (and understand – in its current state). I’m not an idiot, I just don’t have the technical and mathematical background.

Please explain what did I do wrong.

In display-referred module would what is 100% be already known…

I think you need to make the raw and xmp files available, so people can see what you actually did.

I can but I didn’t intend to as this certainly isn’t a #play_raw post. I just found it funny and I think it’s obviously some misbehavior. Which I know how to work around. Attempts to make me look stupid were expected as well. Maybe I’ll learn something in the end.

Now the glitch appears based on the rendering window size and/or position so on the exported image below it looks different. Also note the black area in the middle of the image.

Your experience will be different.

20220719_0001.RW2 (18.8 MB)
20220719_0001.RW2.xmp (6.0 KB)

License: Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.

And where do I find that? Because if it’s the filmic RGB white point then it does not work. The eyedrop button doesn’t help that either. No matter what I do, I still can push it so that it breaks.

So the bug exhitbits when cranking up the global brilliance high. I think Aurelian mentioned this bug in a recent video. (or if not, something very like it)

I can do even better. :smiley:

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I believe he is talking about the controls in the rgb masking tab… helps to define the tonal ranges…and define white after the module is applied…


I know (and maybe I even understand it now :grinning:) . I tried to fiddle with that as well and it didn’t help.