Galata Tower and Istanbul skyline

ART 1.2

20180429194518_Turkey.jpg.out.arp (11,2 KB)


Very well picked and nice blending: I like it !

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Interesting that the light is coming somewhat from the left in the photo, while the light in the sky appears to be coming from the right, and our eyes seem to accept that. I wouldn’t have thought of it without Morgin including the separate image of the sky.


You have a point: I didn’t notice it.

Heh, good eye! I actually thought about that even in my tired stooper. I even tried flipping the cloud image to change the direction of the light, but didn’t like the composition as much. I think our eyes just tend to accept weird lighting in sunset scenarios since, well, the light is weird and bounces all over the place anyway.

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Here are several more looks I tried out:

The third one wins imho


The fourth one looks more natural, but it’s not a sunset, so probably the 3rd is the best one.

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