Getting closer to version 3.4.0

Good to know. I will dive in once things are more stable (with G’MIC and personally).

Does this mean that this vacancy has not been filled? Or is it an annual consideration?

Yes, at the point we’ve reached, ensuring a certain stability to the project seems like a good idea to me, and might help attract more contributors.

No, it’s a national competition, every year there are N positions available (N is approximately equal to 6 - 8).

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A defined length of stability sounds good for the core language. If the tool out of the furnace, I’d be more inclined to update old filters too.

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I’ve discussed this with Sébastien (the developer of G’MIC-Qt), and we agree on this point. We’d really like to have a release that has the following properties :

  • Ensure the APIs of the libgmic and the G’MIC-Qt plug-in won’t change (for minor releases 3.4.x). Assuming that if there are changes, it will be for a major release (like 4.0.0, but this it not planed for the moment).
  • Ensure also that the API of the G’MIC stdlib commands is frozen.

In short, stability is really what we’re looking for with version 3.4.0.


I see great things for you, David. If you want that position, I believe you will have it. Again, thanks for all you have done to make G’MIC what it is now. Haven’t been really doing anything as far as GIMP/G’MIC for a while now (just too busy). Even so, hope to get back into the fray, soon. :slight_smile:

Hi everyone,
I’m looking for help !

I’ve spent a lot of this week to write a news article (in Markdown format) about the (planed) release of version 3.4.0 of G’MIC (probably next week). I wrote it in French because I’m more fluent in this language.

And now (and as it already happened before), I’d like to translate this article in English.
ChatGPT has done a first pass for me on the .md file, but honestly it doesn’t look that good.

I’ve put the Markdown file on the gmic-community repo, here :

You can click on the link to read this article directly in HTML (as Github has an automatic Markdown → HTML renderer).

I’m interested to convert this into something written in correct English, so that when the version 3.4.0 is out, I can also publish the news on the G’MIC website?

Would you like to help ? Members of the gmic-community repo can already edit the file, the others can propose pull request here : Pull requests · GreycLab/gmic-community · GitHub

Thanks by advance for your help !


Planning ahead, yes?

Mmmm, not sure I can help this time since my second son ( and 3rd child) was born just yesterday so I may be a bit busy. But there’s probably some stuff you can lift of from the 15 years article.

Also, I’ll just say that underwoods ( and probably other 3d renders I’m doing. Same for other devs.) may have more usefulness than stated.
It shows how you can use other filters to generate a new one.
It’s not really destined to photographers or full fledged artists, but it can be used for prototyping. If you need that kind of background in your artwork, just try it and see how it looks. And you can then just paint over it, modify it, or scrape it, etc. In short, I made this for people who have ideas and maybe not the skills, or people who look for ideas. And there is also nonscape - Woods which goes a little further with fake shadows and grass. Sort of.
And it takes zero space on your drive :wink: ( that’s why I like generating 3d in g’mic too!)
If I had dev skills I would do a lot more things but… I’m afraid it’s a bit too late :stuck_out_tongue:


Hey, congrats ! a good reason not to have to help :slight_smile:


Let’s see what seems to be feasible. SIMD-accelerated processing? I dunno. But, I guess new CPUs will always help out by the time this is out, so eh.

Understatement, perhaps? Congratulations, in any case, to you and yours.

ESC-C-t (transpose-sexp) ?

Give it a look this afternoon (evening, Central European).


@David_Tschumperle, @grosgood : Thank you :slight_smile:

Ah me. Breaking things…
Address Sanitizer Reporting Heap Buffer Overflow with gmd2html #56
At least, this time, I reported before the release…

No :smiling_face_with_tear:

EDIT : Fixed


Don’t be sad… Maybe I’ll find another one!!!

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On a first read, it’s decently intelligible. Perhaps the prose maunders overly much, furiously hurling words upon ideas with but modest compass. “Less is more”, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe beseeches, which is why prose simple and direct takes so much longer to fashion than a billowing first draft. So. Let’s see what reductions arise on Sunday after Breakfast.

b686af7b…269d32ea master → master
Aiming for more consolidated prose, without losing @David_Tschumperle 's exuberant style. About 50% through, @3.3. Degradation Filters. Will be at it through the evening hours on the North American eastern seaboard.

I didn’t know I had an exuberant style, I don’t think it’s on purpose :slight_smile:

Thanks Garry, it’s really nice to have help. Especially at the moment.


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269d32ea…0939520a master → master
Editorial pass complete; probably not touch this again for the balance of the week; could revisit a week from now, the next Sunday Morning After Breakfast. Time to walk Vinnie, the pup.
gmic340_en.pdf (5.2 MB)

developed within the IMAGE team of the GREYC research laboratory

Could it be:

Developped by the IMAGE team within the GREYC laboratory


Or :
Developped in Caen, by....

I have published a translation into Polish!Ao2sT6WskMABhL9jHbpkKK38SGXTuw?e=3pOnIe

kind regards I wish you continued success


So I lied.

0939520a…edfcfd24 master → master
A tidy pass; got triggered when I noticed that internal cross-referencing was not working and thought I might have broken something. Then Figure captions were seen to wrap some times but not other times. Then I thought some of the margins were too wide, particularly in PDF rendering. So I succumbed to pickiness. See push notes for details. Back to the other bits of documentation I should be working on.

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