GIMP 2.10.0 Release Candidate 1 Available


From what I understand, you want to drag around selected pixels with Ctrl+Alt (which creates a floating selection) to a new position. Please correct me if I am wrong. I am using Parthaā€™s 2.10 Windows build, btw.

I can confirm that the selected pixels snap erratically(?) when you drag them while pressing Ctrl+Alt (the Ctrl key seems to be the culprit and I donā€™t know if this is some kind of feature).

But you donā€™t have to press Ctrl+Alt all the time, just press them and the left mouse button to start the process. After that you can release Ctrl+Alt and drag the selected pixels around without any snapping happening. You can even release the mouse button and start to drag again by clicking into the selection. And you can move the selected area with the arrow keys pixel by pixel.

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Iā€™m using this on a ten year old Dell Quad Core box with a lot of memory.

The software in general is an order of magnitude slower but also a lot better. The gaussian blur function is just thatā€“slower but better. Much better.

I like it. However the default dark theme does need work. On various sliders itā€™s hard for old guys with bad eyesight to find the arrows to click onā€¦colors->threshold for instance. Iā€™ll have to try downloading a lighter theme somehow. From somewhere.

Have you checked available themes under Edit->Preferences? With Parthaā€™s portable Windows build I can select seven different themes there:

System (Windows)

You can also change icon themes.

Itā€™s a very specific kind of feature. Ctrl enables snapping to 45 degree angles (horizontal, vertical, diagonal).

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Try downloading it from Edit > Preferences > Interface > Themes :wink:

drc is working on a new dark icon theme for 2.10.

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Thank you. Iā€™ve been gimp for over a decade and somehow overlooked Themes. Now I need to track down font color. The menu bar (even in the lighter themes) seems to have font color equal to background color. I can find the various menus by hovering over appropriate places in the top menu bar, but I had to know they would be there, because, in all themes they donā€™t show up. That sounds like a default configuration glitch.

The N-Point Deformation tool is very slow for now but it works. IĀ“dont know why this happen. i have tryed multicore support, but it donĀ“t affect the performance. Even OPENCL does not make any difference.

As mentioned earlier in this thread (and quite a few times in other communication channels), this tool was never completed. It doesnā€™t support multithreading. Nor does it use OpenCL. There are no plans to complete it for 2.10.

I can find the various menus by hovering over appropriate places in the top menu bar, but I had to know they would be there, because, in all themes they donā€™t show up.

Whatā€™s your operating system? And if itā€™s Linux, what GTK+ theme do you use?

Why it will never be complete?

For some inexplicable reason you understand ā€œnot in 2.10ā€ as ā€œneverā€. You are wrong.

Iā€™m using what ever the latest Cinnamon Mint Linux is. I can never remember the names.

I tried sudo editing /usr/share/gimp/2.0/themes/02-Gray/gtkrc

color[ā€œclr2ā€] = ā€œ#000000ā€ <== changed to black from 222222

fg[NORMAL] = @clr2

Hmm. Perhaps Iā€™ll change them all to clr2 = magenta for debugging. I thought I used 02-Gray/gtkrc
The only .gimp I have in my home directory is .gimp-2.8

Iā€™m using what ever the latest Cinnamon Mint Linux is.

Iā€™m asking, because the current theme is known to have issues, and weā€™d like to test the new one before using it in a stable release. OK, latest Mint it is, then. Duly noted :slight_smile:

cat /etc/linuxmint/info

cat /etc/linuxmint/info
EDITION=ā€œCinnamon 64-bitā€
DESCRIPTION=ā€œLinux Mint 18.3 Sylviaā€
GRUB_TITLE=Linux Mint 18.3 Cinnamon 64-bit

Ok Iā€™ll be patient. I like the new software. My preferences menu shows I am using

I edited the foreground and background colors to magenta and white just for debugging, but no change happened. So the executable I just downloaded must not be using that gtkrcā€¦even though the GUI says I am.

Iā€™ll wait. Itā€™s usable now. My menu headings are invisible but I know they are there. If I right click in the right place the right menu pops up.

sudo updatedb
locate gtkrc | grep -i gtkrc doesnā€™t show any other likely gtkrc files

Thank you!

One more note:

advanced-tone-mapping seems to be part of gimp now rather than an add-on extension. I donā€™t remember adding the plugin for 2.10 and yet there it is.

When I use it (I always fiddle with it and try it and sometimes use the output) in 2.10 an error dialog pops up: ā€œgimp image add layer should be gimp image insert layer,ā€ followed by a few more when the extension finishes.

@thcfreak666 That doesnā€™t sound good. Might be a number of things including incompatibility, the type of work you are doing and / or bugs that need to be reported and fixed. I think everyone here would like to have a stabler GIMP, so it would be great if you donā€™t give up on it but share the details of your nightmare scenarios so someone could look into them.

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I donā€™t understand why you are so angry. You started off that way. No one else seems to be having all these problems. If you would calmly discuss the issues, maybe someone here can help you.

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You should report your issues with the details necessary to move towards a fix.

Your whining and negativity does not do anybody any good.

Iā€™ve had to remove thefreak666ā€™s account due to uncivil and offensive behavior.

I want to thank everyone who did the opposite of him in being patient, civil, and genuinely trying to help. Yā€™all are too kind. :smiley: