GIMP 2.10 and RT on Win7 ?


Yes, of course, and I tried all kinds of things:
I added a path for RT, (system and app) I uninstalled GIMP and reinstalled it in the hope that it would recognize RT during its installation.
I tried your versions from 267 to the last,
I searched the Internet a lot ā€¦
Obviously, as I said, it is not of capital importance, but only the interest of a better ergonomics.

It now only works with a dev build. So:

  • For the first, install a dev build. you recognize it as it has ā€œ_dev_ā€ in the name

  • The install dir path can be for instance C:\Program Files\RawTherapee\5.4-298-gbed8e8914

  • second: put this exact path in the PATH environment variable(user or system as you want)

  • start GIMP. The plugin is registered during GIMP initialisation

  • You can also install the successive dev builds in a fixed location as for instance C:\Program Files\Rawtherapee\ dev or whereever you want, such as to avoid mofifying PATH.

I think there is nothing else to try.
Hope this helps and you can use the plugin.

Thank you for your help ,

I do not know if I make a mistake, but it does not work.
Attached are screenshots of the latest RT version, what I found in GIMP and what I put in Path ā€¦
Well, do not insist, it does not matter; when I want to use RT with GIMP, I first open RT and pass the result to G.
Itā€™s less convenient, but it works.


It works here on Win10 after adding C:\Program Files\RawTherapee\ to the path.
Parthaā€™s Gimp.

Iā€™m open to keep tryingā€¦despite Iā€™m not convincedā€¦
No, it doesnā€™t ok.

I even tried to copy all the files of the RT-5.4.298 directly in the ā€œrawtherapeeā€ folder without any successā€¦

Partha GIMPā€¦ partha GIMPā€¦ ?! :hushed:

Iā€™m using the official GIMP 2.10.0

Here you can get Parthaā€™s builds with some additional goods preinstalled. Like Gā€™MIC, LightZone plugin, and so on.
Iā€™m using his Gimp 2.10/64 standard edition with RT_dev_5.4-298-gbed8e8914_WinVista_64.

Thank you very much ; I will test tonight or tomorrow morning

I was too impatient ā€¦
G EN I A L E !!! it works !
thank you very much.
Last question: I did not have time to search; how do you select one of the darktable or RT?

Thanks again.

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Just select what you wish in Preferences/Image Import ā€¦ and restart the Gimp.

Ok, itā€™s definitely OK and I thank you again.

It was not obvious to me because the bar of choice is almost the same color as the bottom of the screen and Iā€™m rather in a hurry at the momentā€¦

I hope my basic question can also help another senile old man like me.


At least you are a sober senile old man. (?)

Oh yes, I am clean on me and very soberā€¦

Iā€™ll join this approach tomorrow. Be well!

Ah! I did not think that the GIMP build could be the culprit.
Here I use also Parthaā€™s builds.
Thanks @Jacal

Merci Ć  vous pour votre patience et salutations de la part dā€™un autre vieil homme sĆ©nile :grinning:

Ohā€¦pas lā€™air si sĆ©nile que Ƨa gaaned92 ! :grin:

Oopsā€¦ I upgraded together

GIMP (2.10.8) and
RT (5.4-1133-g5e0cbd4c6)

and again, I canā€™t start RT from GIMP for a RAW file.

Is there a new problem ?

With parthaā€™s GIMP 2.10.8 and last RT dev buid, I am no longer able to sart RT from GIMP.
I will try to investigate.
@agriggio Help! :anguished:


Here the RT ticket about automatic registring RT in GIMP: Windows installer: Add Registry entry with full executable path Ā· Issue #4783 Ā· Beep6581/RawTherapee Ā· GitHub

In order to work, you have to install RT with the installer.

I am searching now if GIMP 2.10.8 includes the corresponding modifications. edit : yes

error: Parthaā€™s GIMP is 2.10.6 but it should work

RT path is searched in this order:

1- in environment variable RAWTHERAPEE_EXECUTABLE

2- in registry HKLM section so you have to install for all users

3- in PATH

In 2.10.8 it will be also searched in registry/HKCU