Gimp batch or recorder script

I wish a plugin similar to the batch of photoshop for gimp. Somebody knows any?
I have tried bimp. But it is not what look for

You can script gimp using scheme. What features are you looking for?

I need to change a sequence of images of white and black to profile of colour. Change a colour by transparent or another colour. apply effects with gmic and more.
I have to do this for 100 drawings roughly. And the options change for the sequence of drawings.

You can also script it with Python…

There is no plugin similar to the batch of photoshop for gimp.

But you can program what nearly everything. It would help if you would explain in more detail, what you are planing.

I have many of am script armed in imagemagick. Only wished to know if it existed something like Script recorder (to.k.To. macro recorder)


OK, news. I did get a small grant to implement a script recorder. Now, I actually have to do it.
( Bug 51937 – Script recorder (a.k.a. macro recorder) )

I did this, but is not very good. Only it records sortcuts and reproduces them

When I first read abt gimp and how great it was I was shocked when I actually tried it that it had no recordable actions capability. I have used programs written by one man and his dog that had such a feature going back more than a decade.
I know everyone says just write a script, not everyone is good at scripting. Its really VERY convenient to be able to record a set of actions that you will want to do again and then you can use it again when you like without having to memorise all the steps .

my script only record shortcut. Therefore I looked for a program that do all a script

I agree that an action recorder would be very helpful, but it’s not essential to me personally. It’s also not essential enough at the moment to be included yet (or at least not important enough to someone who can actually provide the code to make this a reality).

Depending on what you want to do, GIMP may not even be the right tool (excessive batch operations that may be better suited to something like imagemagick). Regardless of the state of any particular man and his dog…

I agree but when I hear they have implemeted such essentials like mirroring I think well couldn’t we have an action recorder then.
I think the dog was genetically modified, all my dogs want to do is eat,crap and run around crazy.

Mirroring was something that someone wanted, and was able to program. :slight_smile:

You just need to find someone who really wants it, and is willing to program it. Alternatively, find someone capable to program it, and crowdfund the development…

I have a feeling it would be something that would take more than one person to program. If there was a crowdfunding for it I would contribute. I know the equivalent of photoshop actions is not essential but it would handy! I mean lets say I find a technique that involves 10 steps, at the moment I would have to either memorize the steps and do them all every time I wanted to follow the technique, or programme a script that could take someone like me all day and might not work at the end!

I am the one who talked about the small grant. I have made some progress with very basic actions. I can use GIMP to write ImageMagick commands. Now I am working to write script fu scripts and execute those. I am having trouble getting those to run on a basic level

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I have figured out how to record the following actions: crop, flip, rotate, curves, hue-balance, color selection, brightness contrast. I need to do resize next.

I wished to record things but sophisticated, but is a start.
Record each step of gimp in a script (aka. gimp2script-fu)

Just a little plea from the sidelines over here from those of us pushing great FOSS tools like GIMP for scientific use (qualitative image analysis): being able to record workflows would go a long way towards the ability to use GIMP for reproducible science. Right now, my only two recommendations are to script it if you can (most ppl can’t), or look at the undo history stack and keep notes. Not ideal for open science, so I sadly have to eventually recommend image-j, although I think it has the clunkiest ui one could imagine (and I like GIMP much better)

This is exactly what my grant from ORI is about - reproducible science. THis is why I am only working on a few actions, those which are consistent with the use of GIMP in scientific image manipulation. These include the ones I mention above, one or 2 more with color change, size change, and insert. Also on the list is text boxes. Many actions in GIMP are not consistent with scientific image manipulation. Anything with layers, for instance, is not allowed.

@paulalan That’s great! If you’d like to see my workflows, here’s a couple of YT vids I made for my class:

Let me know if you need any help. I’d be happy to collaborate or get some of my students to try something out…