GIMP is the only app where the actual save function is called "export"

Only mentioned because there are expectations that the five save options only are an issue for casual users and a lingering presumption that “proper” work involves saving edit history. I don’t think anyone would argue that 5 menu items for saving are helpful for noobs.

I don’t remember when it was changed,

Introduced with 2.8, so in May 2012. Nearly 12yo, that’s a big boy now…

There are shortcuts in 2.10 for this. If you open a JPEG you can tweak it and overwrite it with File > Overwrite (Shift-Alt-S).

I know it’s included in my list above of five ways of saving in gimp. Usability isn’t additive rather the opposite. You never* solve a ui problem by adding a button or an option.

* ok sometimes you do

Bit of a link to this earlier post.

File > Save as
Save as type: PDF