Glitch Art Filters?

I finished my modulo CLI command. Now, it’s ready for filter writing, and a lot easier to write sawtoother, that’s for sure.

I have only changed joan_rake.gmic from my own branch in gmic for testing purpose, and the main change I wanted to show is that I have added triangle wave function into cascading self-glitching. If all goes well, I’ll have to do a pull request modifying Joan_Rake.gmic file as he’s not here anymore.

Here’s a sample with smooth modulo also known as triangle wave

I made my own command, and I think I might be able to make my own self-cascading glitch with the modulo modes.

Behold the result of this command!

Also, to filter developers, I have modified modo cli a bit. I’ll have to update it though I don’t think anyone is using those yet. modf is usable, but modo should not be used. modf can be used for anything related to gradient editing when last variable is at 0. Because of modo, and modf, I can attempt to make a universal sawtoother. Here’s the code so far

#@gui Advanced Sawtoother : fx_modulo, fx_modulo_preview(0)
#@gui : note = note("This filter utilize various forms of modulo operations at once per different channels or multiple channels at once."), sep = separator()
#@gui : 1. Color Space Model = choice(0,"RGB-8","CMY-8","HSI-8","HSL-8","HSV-8","LAB-8","LCH-8","YUV-8","XYZ-8")
#@gui : sep = separator(), note = note("<b>Master Channel Editor</b>")
#@gui : Use Master Editor? = bool(1)
#@gui : 1. Edit Channel #1? = bool(1)
#@gui : 2. Edit Channel #2? = bool(1)
#@gui : 3. Edit Channel #3? = bool(1)
#@gui : 4. Edit Alpha Channel? = bool(0)
#@gui : 5. Treat Alpha Layers as the blend of each other instead? = bool(1)
#@gui : 6. Modulo Shift = float(0,-2,2)
#@gui : 7. Max End Value of Modulo Shift = float(255,0,512)
#@gui : 8. Modulo Shift Mode = choice(0,"Regular","Continuous")
#@gui : 9. Treat Modulo Shift as interchanging blending? = bool(0)
#@gui : 10. Modulo Division = float(1,0,1)
#@gui : 11. Max End Value of Modulo Division = float(255,0,512)
#@gui : 12. Modulo Division Mode = choice(0,"Regular","Continuous")
#@gui : 13. Treat Modulo Division as interchanging blending? = bool(0)
#@gui : 14. Regular Modulo = float(1,0,1)
#@gui : 15. Max End Value of Modulo Division = float(255,0,512)
#@gui : 16. Modulo Division Mode = choice(0,"Regular","Continuous")
#@gui : 17. Treat Modulo Division as interchanging blending? = bool(0)
#@gui : 18. Smoothness = float(0,0,32)
#@gui : sep = separator(), note = note("<b>Individual Channel Editor</b>\n\n")
#@gui : sep = separator(),19. Edit Channel #1 = bool(1)
#@gui : 20. Modulo Shift = float(0,-2,2)
#@gui : 21. Max End Value of Modulo Shift = float(255,0,512)
#@gui : 22. Modulo Shift Mode = choice(0,"Regular","Continuous")
#@gui : 23. Treat Modulo Shift as interchanging blending? = bool(0)
#@gui : 24. Modulo Division = float(1,0,1)
#@gui : 25. Max End Value of Modulo Division = float(255,0,512)
#@gui : 26. Modulo Division Mode = choice(0,"Regular","Continuous")
#@gui : 27. Treat Modulo Division as interchanging blending? = bool(0)
#@gui : 28. Regular Modulo = float(1,0,1)
#@gui : 29. Max End Value of Modulo Division = float(255,0,512)
#@gui : 30. Modulo Division Mode = choice(0,"Regular","Continuous")
#@gui : 31. Treat Modulo Division as interchanging blending? = bool(0)
#@gui : 32. Smoothness = float(0,0,32)
#@gui : sep = separator(), 33. Edit Channel #2 = bool(1)
#@gui : 34. Modulo Shift = float(0,-2,2)
#@gui : 35. Max End Value of Modulo Shift = float(255,0,512)
#@gui : 36. Modulo Shift Mode = choice(0,"Regular","Continuous")
#@gui : 37. Treat Modulo Shift as interchanging blending? = bool(0)
#@gui : 38. Modulo Division = float(1,0,1)
#@gui : 39. Max End Value of Modulo Division = float(255,0,512)
#@gui : 40. Modulo Division Mode = choice(0,"Regular","Continuous")
#@gui : 41. Treat Modulo Division as interchanging blending? = bool(0)
#@gui : 42. Regular Modulo = float(1,0,1)
#@gui : 43. Max End Value of Modulo Division = float(255,0,512)
#@gui : 44. Modulo Division Mode = choice(0,"Regular","Continuous")
#@gui : 45. Treat Modulo Division as interchanging blending? = bool(0)
#@gui : 46. Smoothness = float(0,0,32)
#@gui : sep = separator(), 47. Edit Channel #3 = bool(1)
#@gui : 48. Modulo Shift = float(0,-2,2)
#@gui : 49. Max End Value of Modulo Shift = float(255,0,512)
#@gui : 50. Modulo Shift Mode = choice(0,"Regular","Continuous")
#@gui : 51. Treat Modulo Shift as interchanging blending? = bool(0)
#@gui : 52. Modulo Division = float(1,0,1)
#@gui : 53. Max End Value of Modulo Division = float(255,0,512)
#@gui : 54. Modulo Division Mode = choice(0,"Regular","Continuous")
#@gui : 55. Treat Modulo Division as interchanging blending? = bool(0)
#@gui : 56. Regular Modulo = float(1,0,1)
#@gui : 57. Max End Value of Modulo Division = float(255,0,512)
#@gui : 58. Modulo Division Mode = choice(0,"Regular","Continuous")
#@gui : 59. Treat Modulo Division as interchanging blending? = bool(0)
#@gui : 60. Smoothness = float(0,0,32)
#@gui : sep = separator(), 61. Edit Alpha Layers? = bool(1)
#@gui : 62. Treat alpha as blending modes ignoring modulo operation? = bool(1)
#@gui : 63. Modulo Shift = float(0,-2,2)
#@gui : 64. Max End Value of Modulo Shift = float(255,0,512)
#@gui : 65. Modulo Shift Mode = choice(0,"Regular","Continuous")
#@gui : 66. Treat Modulo Shift as interchanging blending? = bool(0)
#@gui : 67. Modulo Division = float(1,0,1)
#@gui : 68. Max End Value of Modulo Division = float(255,0,512)
#@gui : 69. Modulo Division Mode = choice(0,"Regular","Continuous")
#@gui : 70. Treat Modulo Division as interchanging blending? = bool(0)
#@gui : 71. Regular Modulo = float(1,0,1)
#@gui : 72. Max End Value of Modulo Division = float(255,0,512)
#@gui : 73. Modulo Division Mode = choice(0,"Regular","Continuous")
#@gui : 74. Treat Modulo Division as interchanging blending? = bool(0)
#@gui : sep = separator(), note = note("<small>Author : <i>Reptorian</i>.      Latest update : <i>2018/08/18</i>.</small>")

fx_modulo_preview :

Got some more updates - Now, a PNG filter is on it way to being born


repeat 4 1,{$ih},1,1 done l[1] noise 100 +noise 100 n 0,255 blend multiply n 0,1 f "round(i^2)" n 0,255 endl l[3] noise 1000 blur 10 n 0,125 endl l[4] to_rgb noise 10000 (255,0,0,0,255,255^0,255,0,255,0,255^0,0,255,255,255,0) index[0] [1],0,1 rm[1] endl

r[1-4] {w#5},{h#5},1,3,1

f[2] "x" n[2] 0,255 f[2] "i>i#3?0:255" rm[3] blend[1,2] multiply luminance[1] a[1,2] c blend difference

Two new scripts, both based on DCT operations. The first one messes with the DCT transforms of entire images, while the second is another take on that JFIF one I was previously focussing on with a few new features.

(Edited) Updated the new JFIF script again, along with subsampling it now handles quality slightly differently. It also has the glitch punch card thing implemented but I’m not sure how to get it to work in the way that it should where the locations of broken blocks coincide for each channel. I was able to do this with the older script but I don’t yet know how to do it for this one.

@Joan_Rake1 You wouldn’t happen to know how to index square areas of image to #colors, would you? I’m gonna need it to update my transfer color for better stimulation of older systems. There’s also arbitrary stimulations I found in an android app named 8-bit photo lab.

There’s already the quadtree variations script and the posterise one too. Try modifying those.

@Joan_Rake1 Finally got around to testing the filters. Let’s see…

JFIF Effect 2 : With 32 GB of RAM - It takes me over a minute to finish. I prefer your original filter, much faster, and it works. I think I"ll past on this one.

DCT FSU on the other hand. I find it useful though hard to get a nice image out of it, but the lines may have some applications though I just can’t figure out its application.

EDIT: Figured out the DCT FSU, I really like how the patterns looks like. It could work well with blending modes on the final version.

Here’s a test image of DCT FSU using a non-existent person -

By the way, I am attempting to make a cli command where you can apply commands per square of specified size. That would be good for glitch art, and it would be good for my pixel art command as many hardware have color restriction based on size.

And I just figured it out though it requires one to resize canvas, create a loop to keep certain areas, rotate all of those looped generated image, and apply the keep effect loop for those image. Then rotate them all again, and then assign your desired filter, and then append them altogether. That doesn’t sound so enjoyable to do. And I’m failing to resize by canvas rather than the image though I have a workaround using f"" to replicate the original image, and using w,h,depth,channel.

Also, I can’t seem to figure out how to keep a variable constant. Like iw = w, I want it to remain based on the original image.


1. If there is repeated rotation, you might not need to rotate so many times; only decide what the final position is, then rotate once.
2. If you need some sort of tiling, you have apply_tiles.
3. There is something called global variables. There is a large section on variables in the reference documentation.

Apply_tiles actually worked for me. Thanks. If I didn’t knew of apply tiles, then I would have a headache making the cli and going all the way to doing unnecessary work. Well, time for me to add stimulate hardware restriction i.e few colors per tiles on reduced colors transfer. I’ll keep in mind about global variables using the reference documentation when I’m ready to use them.

@Joan_Rake1 - Any updates on those filters?

I just found this. I knew that fill can break something in a interesting manner. This “glitch” might be explored.

The command is very simple

autocrop f. .


Result via preview window. Now, that is interesting.

Could literally just have a random layer, and then keep the filtered layer only. That’s all you need here. Previews isn’t to be trusted though.

Could you upload your input image? Nothing happens when I do it to sample tiger for instance…

I forgot to mention that there needs to be a dot next to first . Also, second layer needs to have something.

I don’t know what to do, so I did something different.

gmic sample tiger,flower autocrop_seq auto +local autocrop fill. . endlocal -


PS With sample colorful,tulips

The result would look way better with transparent image on layer 2.

Here’s something of interest, what is this image for and for what PDN glitch does it relate to?

Hint - What it’s in the left? The right is a search pattern, and the result is in the left.

Made this as a reference for coding that glitch. Not really helping so much, but better G’MIC coders can figure this out quicker.

I knew that fill can break something in a interesting manner.

That’s something to do with the dimensions of the image changing while the number of pixels being used doesn’t. The fill command seems to prefer pixel indices rather than actual locations within the image. Here’s one way to replicate the effect:

s c s z
unroll x resize $dimx,$dimy,100%,100%,-1
a c a z

Using this method it’s possible to change the order of the pixels to get different patterns as well as through changing the final dimensions.

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I’m thinking that I should add peak filters and resonance to my Butterworth Bandpass filter so that I can turn it into a full equaliser of sorts. However, resonance doesn’t seem so easy to add since I’m using filters which have real-valued orders instead of integer-valued orders and I don’t want to sacrifice that feature. The only explanation that I’ve found on how to create such monsters is on some StackExchange site.

I’m interested in the gain and not so much the phase, though I could add that later. I don’t see a gain function there, and the only function that I do see looks like it’s second-order. I’m no maths whizz so I’ll need some pointers on what to do, but I can try to summarise what I want: given the relative gain function, where should the Q term go?

Edit: I’ve not only figured that out but I’ve built a 5-band-shelf EQ with the LP and HP from before. It’s very rough though and it could be made a bit faster. I have to sort out how the frequencies scale with the image size but I’m a bit stuck on how to do it. #@gui Smooth EQ: fx_jr_smooth_eq, fx_jr_smooth_eq_preview(0)#@gui : note = not -

Suggestion on scaling the frequency to image size. Maybe have a “surface” function where x=0 is treated as 0 and width is treated as 1. If the dimensions are different, then that should be taken care of by multiplying by min(w,h)/max(w,h). But before you do all of that, there should be a condition to test which is bigger, so that one of them is 0,1 range. That way, the frequency will scale within the image dimensions.

f “s/d=min(w,h)/max(w,h);

Note: Quick write-up, not sure if it’ll work.

Also, I think I have shown you distortion cli command I was working on. They scale just fine. The reason being is that the base dimension to be used is always 1024 unless specified otherwise.

#@cli rep_logpindis: (eq. to rep_logarithmic_pinching_distortion)
rep_logpindis: rep_logarithmic_pinching_distortion $*
#@cli rep_logarithmic_pinching_distortion: _distortion_main>=0,-1<=_preshift_x<=1,-1<=_preshift_y<=1,-1<=_effposition_x<=1,-1<=_effposition_y<=1,_prescale_x,_prescale_y,_afterscale_x,_afterscale_y,0<=_angle<=360,_mirror_placement= { 0=outside-in | 1=inside-out },_lx_axis= { 0=different axis | 1=same axis},_ly_axis= { 0=different axis | 1=same axis},ix_dir={ 0=negative | 1=positive },iy_dir={ 0=negative | 1=positive },_boundary= { 0=Periodic | 1=Mirror },1<=_interpolation<=5,_dimension_ref>0
skip ${2=0},${3=0},${4=0},${5=0},${6=1},${7=1},${8=1},${9=1},${10=0},${11=0},${12=1},${13=0},${14=1},${15=0},${16=0},${17=5},${18=1024}
if $6==0||$7==0||$8==0||$9==0 v + error "Scale cannot be 0!" v - fi
if $17<1 v + error "interpolation cannot be less than 1" v - fi

shift {50*$2}%,{50*$3}%,0,0,3,1
f "
if $11 shift 50%,50%,0,0,3,1 fi

I’m unclear on how that specific script would work in the context of an EQ like this. What I’m trying to do is express the frequencies of the FFT being used for the EQ in a logarithmic format. The parameters for the frequency are between 0 and 16, but this must be scaled to match the whole of the image so that one can work with the highest frequencies and I’m struggling to see how it would be done.

On another note, here’s two attempts at rebuilding a JFIF glitch script. They’re very slow despite the DCT tiles being 40x40. I know that David’s JPEG artefacts script uses a preloaded image for the tiles which correspond to different frequencies, which is much quicker. The issue with this is that it only works for preset tile sizes. Should I generate the tiles first and then draw them on in the way that David’s script does, and if so, how can I generate them?

csswap 0,14
w,h={[w,h]} r {w+(-w%40)},{h+(-h%40)},1,100%,0,3
split_tiles -40,-40
dct f "I*cut(10-(x+y)/2,0,1)"
append_tiles {$ww/40}
f ">begin(const minl="$minl";const maxl="$maxl";cd=round(u(minl,maxl)));
split_tiles -40,-40
append_tiles {$ww/40}
csswap 14,0


csswap 0,14
w,h={[w,h]} r {w+(-w%40)},{h+(-h%40)},1,100%,0,3
at "dct f ""I*cut(10-(x+y)/2,0,1)""",40,40,100%,0,0,0,3
f ">begin(const minl="$minl";const maxl="$maxl";cd=round(u(minl,maxl)));
at "idct",40,40,100%,0,0,0,3
csswap 14,0

On a tangential note, I’ve updated my Satellite command and I’m gonna put my take on some of the IR window colour schemes here. irwindow.txt (1.7 KB)

missed this back in 2018 - what “phase congruence” is supposed to do is filter the power spectrum to enhance edges and corners … did you envisage another use?