G'MIC exercises

Actually, I solved the emboss relief filter issue. The problem? @Joan_Rake1 has inserted the emboss/relief into her own gmic file. I had to remove the duplicate to make it work. And yes, she’s here. There is a duplicate construction material as well, but that’s not going to interfere anyway as the two commands are different.

emboss is in it own cli command now.

em $1,$2,$3,$4

$1 = smoothness
$2 = angle
$3 = depth
$4 = depth boost

em = emboss_image

To avoid confusion, I suggest you add a prefix to all of your commands; e.g., @garagecoder uses gcd_.

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Note taken. I’ve removed mine anyway since they’re obsolete.

Never mind, I actually get it. That is tricky.

+r {100/(2^$iter)}%,{100/(2^$iter)}%
repeat $iter
fx_local_processing[-1] 1,100,1,0,0,0,7,0,50,50
resize[-1] 200%,200%
resize[-1] {w(#0)},{h(#0)}
blend xor

Try screwing with this.

@David_Tschumperle @afre

if {$AlpC<2} v + error "Check inputs again -  > 0 ? $5>1 : $4>1" fi

I’m stuck on the part of error, and I would like the output to show $2>0?$5>1:$4>1

My current workaround

if {$AlpC<2} if $2 v + error "As Variable 2 is greater than 0, variable 5 must be greater than 1" 
else v + error "As Variable 2 is equal to 0, Variable 4 must be greater than 1" fi fi

Also, first time working with error messages.

I know you want to learn how to output the message. I will let David answer that part.

My opinion on the matter:

  • Why not make the parameters no greater than 1 from the start? Also, the GUI isn’t dynamic; it won’t change based on conditionals. It is poor filter design even if it were CLI only.
  • There is no way the user would understand what $2>0?$5>1:$4>1 means. The statement is confusing for me as well.

The thing is I don’t know how I can change the CLI to make more sense. The palette transfer CLI second option determines the style of transfer, and if it activated, $4 becomes a new parameter for the style.

So, $2>0?$5>1:$4>1 translate to Indexing_Style (0 = Regular,1 = Noise, 2= Luminance-Based Indexing, 3 = Horizontal, 4 = Vertical)? $5 is the alpha count value : $4 is the alpha count value

I know, it’s confusing, but it’s the best I can do with this. I also added pal_i where if you put pal i, you can transfer palette based on 2 image inputs while it’s separate from the pal numbers series.

What I would do is

AlpC=$4 AlpD=$5 SF=$6

So, basically

Palette_Number or Palette_Name = $1
Special_Style_Effect Variable=$6

That makes sense. Removes the need for dynamic CLI. I do have to admit that I was testing dynamic variable to see what makes the most sense as I wasn’t sure how to make the CLI. And then I have the issue of using pal i effectively.

_pal_i: +autocrop if {h#2<h#3} autocrop[0] to_rgb[0] rv[0-1] else autocrop[1] to_rgb[1] fi rm[^0-1]

Is there a way to do the above easier? I didn’t want to change the main image size. But palette is treated as a small sized image. I might have to put a error message to verify that the palette layer is 1 px high.

I am unsure of what you are trying to achieve there. Could you explain in plain English what you are trying to do?

Re: both the dynamic variable question and the _pal_i one. My take is to see how stdlib handles this problem, unless it is a G’MIC core thing, in which case you examine cimg(?).

What I’m trying to achieve is a CLI command where I insert which palette to use, and the style to use, alpha-count, alpha-dithering, and if it a special style, use an additional variable for special style.

A lot like reduced color transfer filter I made with palette as the reference, but improved in as new feature which is style support, and being able to treat one of the two layers as a palette if i is typed in as the first option.

stdlib (I looked at it, but it’s a little long, but I’ll look at it again). Haven’t seen cimg.

I was referring to

Imagine you have two different images where one layer is the 1px high palette. _pal_i basically automatically convert a palette layer into 1px high gmic layer in the place of [1]. The smaller layer is always image[1]. Pal 2 generates a palette into [1].

Is there a way to suppress verbose message? The message ‘1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1’ when using at or apply_tiles doesn’t really make things productive when testing code via g’mic. v 0 doesn’t suppress it. So, here I’m left picturing it in my head.

Maybe verbose -1.

BTW, the multiple edits make your posts hard to follow. I use “PS” and “edit” to indicate any updates.

I tried that.

Actually, I have a better idea

@David_Tschumperle Do you think you could remove the verbose message on apply_tiles? It is intrusive when testing codes with apply_tiles via code[local] or code[global]. Especially when tiles are really small.

I am still struggling with scripting. I know I could examine the *.gmic files but my eyes glaze over. I need a real simple example. We may have covered something similar already: I want to learn to create a map showing local stats. Could be anything, say SNR, for a given window. E.g., below, s represents the SNR of a 5x5 window with a boundary condition of mirror.

x x x x x
x x x x x
x x s x x
x x x x x
x x x x x

So, we will end up with a map of ses with the same dimensions as the input image.

I guess where I want to go with this eventually is creating maps of all sorts to guide, or to be conditions or comparisons, for other processing.

When you want to do custom things locally on pixels, it’s often relevant to use the fill command with a math expression.
For instance, the command below computes the value average(N)/(30+std(N)) for each 5x5 neighborhood N of the input image (doing this for each channel separately):

foo :
  sp car
  f "
    const boundary = 3;
    N = crop(x-2,y-2,0,c,5,5,1,1);
  n 0,255

leading in a kind of cartoon version of the input image:

In the math expression, N is the vector of all unrolled values of your 5x5 neighborhood.
You can compute almost anything you want from these values.

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Thanks! Regarding crop():

  • What is the difference between declaring boundary conditions with const boundary and _boundary_conditions? (Does const mean that it applies to all operations involving the boundaries and not just crop()? Or are there other distinctions?)

  • What does a parameter without a variable mean? Why is it 0 instead of d?

  • What happens when parameters are omitted? What would crop(100,100) do?

One more question:

  • Any reason for the 30? (Is it an arbitrary number or any way related to the window size?)