G'MIC Tutorial Fragments

New and renewed in tutorials, from April 19 to now-ish, May 28, and where I might be spending my time as we slide into summer here on the Eastern Seaboard of North America — and winter, for colleagues in the Antipodes. Tip of the hat to Augusta, Western Australia!

Not as long a list as the last time – alas! – Real Life has kept me preoccupied:

  1. -input was upgraded to 2.9x on May 13 to accommodate its relation to -store
  2. Tiled Art found its way into the Beginner’s Cookbook on May 27. Output of its demonstration command, gtutor_tileit, lurks upstream from this post. Tiled Art is specifically a structured drawing introduction, via the math expression function polygon(), its behavior guided by findings from an everyday two-channel vector map. It does not take a great deal of imagination to carry these ideas forward for other forays into structured drawing. To draw a small serif on this project, I plan to wrap the demonstration command gtutor_tileit so that it can live inside of gmic-qt. Perhaps this weekend.

Looking into June, I am alarmed that the 1.6x tutorials on oft-used control flow commands are more than slightly radioactive; these draw my attention first. Visiting -distance and -gradient while putting together Tiled Art reminds me that they too could use some love. In the waiting room, patiently tapping their toes, collaborations with @Reptorian and @myselfhimself. In a post to Can G’MIC do those kind of textures? @David_Tschumperle goes and throws out some Radial Basis Function catnip. Ooooooo… fun there. Be nice to have at that so that I am not entirely refurbishing old tutorials whilst these rare June days pass me by…