Tutorial request:
I found this on cimg.h
#if cimg_display==1
// Define keycodes for X11-based graphical systems.
const unsigned int keyESC = XK_Escape;
const unsigned int keyF1 = XK_F1;
const unsigned int keyF2 = XK_F2;
const unsigned int keyF3 = XK_F3;
const unsigned int keyF4 = XK_F4;
const unsigned int keyF5 = XK_F5;
const unsigned int keyF6 = XK_F6;
const unsigned int keyF7 = XK_F7;
const unsigned int keyF8 = XK_F8;
const unsigned int keyF9 = XK_F9;
const unsigned int keyF10 = XK_F10;
const unsigned int keyF11 = XK_F11;
const unsigned int keyF12 = XK_F12;
const unsigned int keyPAUSE = XK_Pause;
const unsigned int key1 = XK_1;
const unsigned int key2 = XK_2;
const unsigned int key3 = XK_3;
const unsigned int key4 = XK_4;
const unsigned int key5 = XK_5;
const unsigned int key6 = XK_6;
const unsigned int key7 = XK_7;
const unsigned int key8 = XK_8;
const unsigned int key9 = XK_9;
const unsigned int key0 = XK_0;
const unsigned int keyBACKSPACE = XK_BackSpace;
const unsigned int keyINSERT = XK_Insert;
const unsigned int keyHOME = XK_Home;
const unsigned int keyPAGEUP = XK_Page_Up;
const unsigned int keyTAB = XK_Tab;
const unsigned int keyQ = XK_q;
const unsigned int keyW = XK_w;
const unsigned int keyE = XK_e;
const unsigned int keyR = XK_r;
const unsigned int keyT = XK_t;
const unsigned int keyY = XK_y;
const unsigned int keyU = XK_u;
const unsigned int keyI = XK_i;
const unsigned int keyO = XK_o;
const unsigned int keyP = XK_p;
const unsigned int keyDELETE = XK_Delete;
const unsigned int keyEND = XK_End;
const unsigned int keyPAGEDOWN = XK_Page_Down;
const unsigned int keyCAPSLOCK = XK_Caps_Lock;
const unsigned int keyA = XK_a;
const unsigned int keyS = XK_s;
const unsigned int keyD = XK_d;
const unsigned int keyF = XK_f;
const unsigned int keyG = XK_g;
const unsigned int keyH = XK_h;
const unsigned int keyJ = XK_j;
const unsigned int keyK = XK_k;
const unsigned int keyL = XK_l;
const unsigned int keyENTER = XK_Return;
const unsigned int keySHIFTLEFT = XK_Shift_L;
const unsigned int keyZ = XK_z;
const unsigned int keyX = XK_x;
const unsigned int keyC = XK_c;
const unsigned int keyV = XK_v;
const unsigned int keyB = XK_b;
const unsigned int keyN = XK_n;
const unsigned int keyM = XK_m;
const unsigned int keySHIFTRIGHT = XK_Shift_R;
const unsigned int keyARROWUP = XK_Up;
const unsigned int keyCTRLLEFT = XK_Control_L;
const unsigned int keyAPPLEFT = XK_Super_L;
const unsigned int keyALT = XK_Alt_L;
const unsigned int keySPACE = XK_space;
const unsigned int keyALTGR = XK_Alt_R;
const unsigned int keyAPPRIGHT = XK_Super_R;
const unsigned int keyMENU = XK_Menu;
const unsigned int keyCTRLRIGHT = XK_Control_R;
const unsigned int keyARROWLEFT = XK_Left;
const unsigned int keyARROWDOWN = XK_Down;
const unsigned int keyARROWRIGHT = XK_Right;
const unsigned int keyPAD0 = XK_KP_0;
const unsigned int keyPAD1 = XK_KP_1;
const unsigned int keyPAD2 = XK_KP_2;
const unsigned int keyPAD3 = XK_KP_3;
const unsigned int keyPAD4 = XK_KP_4;
const unsigned int keyPAD5 = XK_KP_5;
const unsigned int keyPAD6 = XK_KP_6;
const unsigned int keyPAD7 = XK_KP_7;
const unsigned int keyPAD8 = XK_KP_8;
const unsigned int keyPAD9 = XK_KP_9;
const unsigned int keyPADADD = XK_KP_Add;
const unsigned int keyPADSUB = XK_KP_Subtract;
const unsigned int keyPADMUL = XK_KP_Multiply;
const unsigned int keyPADDIV = XK_KP_Divide;
#elif cimg_display==2
// Define keycodes for Windows.
const unsigned int keyESC = VK_ESCAPE;
const unsigned int keyF1 = VK_F1;
const unsigned int keyF2 = VK_F2;
const unsigned int keyF3 = VK_F3;
const unsigned int keyF4 = VK_F4;
const unsigned int keyF5 = VK_F5;
const unsigned int keyF6 = VK_F6;
const unsigned int keyF7 = VK_F7;
const unsigned int keyF8 = VK_F8;
const unsigned int keyF9 = VK_F9;
const unsigned int keyF10 = VK_F10;
const unsigned int keyF11 = VK_F11;
const unsigned int keyF12 = VK_F12;
const unsigned int keyPAUSE = VK_PAUSE;
const unsigned int key1 = '1';
const unsigned int key2 = '2';
const unsigned int key3 = '3';
const unsigned int key4 = '4';
const unsigned int key5 = '5';
const unsigned int key6 = '6';
const unsigned int key7 = '7';
const unsigned int key8 = '8';
const unsigned int key9 = '9';
const unsigned int key0 = '0';
const unsigned int keyBACKSPACE = VK_BACK;
const unsigned int keyINSERT = VK_INSERT;
const unsigned int keyHOME = VK_HOME;
const unsigned int keyPAGEUP = VK_PRIOR;
const unsigned int keyTAB = VK_TAB;
const unsigned int keyQ = 'Q';
const unsigned int keyW = 'W';
const unsigned int keyE = 'E';
const unsigned int keyR = 'R';
const unsigned int keyT = 'T';
const unsigned int keyY = 'Y';
const unsigned int keyU = 'U';
const unsigned int keyI = 'I';
const unsigned int keyO = 'O';
const unsigned int keyP = 'P';
const unsigned int keyDELETE = VK_DELETE;
const unsigned int keyEND = VK_END;
const unsigned int keyPAGEDOWN = VK_NEXT;
const unsigned int keyCAPSLOCK = VK_CAPITAL;
const unsigned int keyA = 'A';
const unsigned int keyS = 'S';
const unsigned int keyD = 'D';
const unsigned int keyF = 'F';
const unsigned int keyG = 'G';
const unsigned int keyH = 'H';
const unsigned int keyJ = 'J';
const unsigned int keyK = 'K';
const unsigned int keyL = 'L';
const unsigned int keyENTER = VK_RETURN;
const unsigned int keySHIFTLEFT = VK_SHIFT;
const unsigned int keyZ = 'Z';
const unsigned int keyX = 'X';
const unsigned int keyC = 'C';
const unsigned int keyV = 'V';
const unsigned int keyB = 'B';
const unsigned int keyN = 'N';
const unsigned int keyM = 'M';
const unsigned int keySHIFTRIGHT = VK_SHIFT;
const unsigned int keyARROWUP = VK_UP;
const unsigned int keyCTRLLEFT = VK_CONTROL;
const unsigned int keyAPPLEFT = VK_LWIN;
const unsigned int keyALT = VK_LMENU;
const unsigned int keySPACE = VK_SPACE;
const unsigned int keyALTGR = VK_CONTROL;
const unsigned int keyAPPRIGHT = VK_RWIN;
const unsigned int keyMENU = VK_APPS;
const unsigned int keyCTRLRIGHT = VK_CONTROL;
const unsigned int keyARROWLEFT = VK_LEFT;
const unsigned int keyARROWDOWN = VK_DOWN;
const unsigned int keyARROWRIGHT = VK_RIGHT;
const unsigned int keyPAD0 = 0x60;
const unsigned int keyPAD1 = 0x61;
const unsigned int keyPAD2 = 0x62;
const unsigned int keyPAD3 = 0x63;
const unsigned int keyPAD4 = 0x64;
const unsigned int keyPAD5 = 0x65;
const unsigned int keyPAD6 = 0x66;
const unsigned int keyPAD7 = 0x67;
const unsigned int keyPAD8 = 0x68;
const unsigned int keyPAD9 = 0x69;
const unsigned int keyPADADD = VK_ADD;
const unsigned int keyPADSUB = VK_SUBTRACT;
const unsigned int keyPADMUL = VK_MULTIPLY;
const unsigned int keyPADDIV = VK_DIVIDE;
// Define random keycodes when no display is available.
// (should rarely be used then!).
const unsigned int keyESC = 1U; //!< Keycode for the \c ESC key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyF1 = 2U; //!< Keycode for the \c F1 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyF2 = 3U; //!< Keycode for the \c F2 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyF3 = 4U; //!< Keycode for the \c F3 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyF4 = 5U; //!< Keycode for the \c F4 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyF5 = 6U; //!< Keycode for the \c F5 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyF6 = 7U; //!< Keycode for the \c F6 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyF7 = 8U; //!< Keycode for the \c F7 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyF8 = 9U; //!< Keycode for the \c F8 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyF9 = 10U; //!< Keycode for the \c F9 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyF10 = 11U; //!< Keycode for the \c F10 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyF11 = 12U; //!< Keycode for the \c F11 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyF12 = 13U; //!< Keycode for the \c F12 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPAUSE = 14U; //!< Keycode for the \c PAUSE key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int key1 = 15U; //!< Keycode for the \c 1 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int key2 = 16U; //!< Keycode for the \c 2 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int key3 = 17U; //!< Keycode for the \c 3 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int key4 = 18U; //!< Keycode for the \c 4 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int key5 = 19U; //!< Keycode for the \c 5 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int key6 = 20U; //!< Keycode for the \c 6 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int key7 = 21U; //!< Keycode for the \c 7 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int key8 = 22U; //!< Keycode for the \c 8 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int key9 = 23U; //!< Keycode for the \c 9 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int key0 = 24U; //!< Keycode for the \c 0 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyBACKSPACE = 25U; //!< Keycode for the \c BACKSPACE key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyINSERT = 26U; //!< Keycode for the \c INSERT key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyHOME = 27U; //!< Keycode for the \c HOME key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPAGEUP = 28U; //!< Keycode for the \c PAGEUP key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyTAB = 29U; //!< Keycode for the \c TAB key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyQ = 30U; //!< Keycode for the \c Q key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyW = 31U; //!< Keycode for the \c W key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyE = 32U; //!< Keycode for the \c E key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyR = 33U; //!< Keycode for the \c R key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyT = 34U; //!< Keycode for the \c T key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyY = 35U; //!< Keycode for the \c Y key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyU = 36U; //!< Keycode for the \c U key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyI = 37U; //!< Keycode for the \c I key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyO = 38U; //!< Keycode for the \c O key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyP = 39U; //!< Keycode for the \c P key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyDELETE = 40U; //!< Keycode for the \c DELETE key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyEND = 41U; //!< Keycode for the \c END key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPAGEDOWN = 42U; //!< Keycode for the \c PAGEDOWN key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyCAPSLOCK = 43U; //!< Keycode for the \c CAPSLOCK key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyA = 44U; //!< Keycode for the \c A key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyS = 45U; //!< Keycode for the \c S key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyD = 46U; //!< Keycode for the \c D key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyF = 47U; //!< Keycode for the \c F key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyG = 48U; //!< Keycode for the \c G key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyH = 49U; //!< Keycode for the \c H key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyJ = 50U; //!< Keycode for the \c J key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyK = 51U; //!< Keycode for the \c K key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyL = 52U; //!< Keycode for the \c L key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyENTER = 53U; //!< Keycode for the \c ENTER key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keySHIFTLEFT = 54U; //!< Keycode for the \c SHIFTLEFT key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyZ = 55U; //!< Keycode for the \c Z key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyX = 56U; //!< Keycode for the \c X key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyC = 57U; //!< Keycode for the \c C key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyV = 58U; //!< Keycode for the \c V key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyB = 59U; //!< Keycode for the \c B key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyN = 60U; //!< Keycode for the \c N key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyM = 61U; //!< Keycode for the \c M key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keySHIFTRIGHT = 62U; //!< Keycode for the \c SHIFTRIGHT key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyARROWUP = 63U; //!< Keycode for the \c ARROWUP key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyCTRLLEFT = 64U; //!< Keycode for the \c CTRLLEFT key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyAPPLEFT = 65U; //!< Keycode for the \c APPLEFT key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyALT = 66U; //!< Keycode for the \c ALT key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keySPACE = 67U; //!< Keycode for the \c SPACE key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyALTGR = 68U; //!< Keycode for the \c ALTGR key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyAPPRIGHT = 69U; //!< Keycode for the \c APPRIGHT key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyMENU = 70U; //!< Keycode for the \c MENU key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyCTRLRIGHT = 71U; //!< Keycode for the \c CTRLRIGHT key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyARROWLEFT = 72U; //!< Keycode for the \c ARROWLEFT key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyARROWDOWN = 73U; //!< Keycode for the \c ARROWDOWN key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyARROWRIGHT = 74U; //!< Keycode for the \c ARROWRIGHT key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPAD0 = 75U; //!< Keycode for the \c PAD0 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPAD1 = 76U; //!< Keycode for the \c PAD1 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPAD2 = 77U; //!< Keycode for the \c PAD2 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPAD3 = 78U; //!< Keycode for the \c PAD3 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPAD4 = 79U; //!< Keycode for the \c PAD4 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPAD5 = 80U; //!< Keycode for the \c PAD5 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPAD6 = 81U; //!< Keycode for the \c PAD6 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPAD7 = 82U; //!< Keycode for the \c PAD7 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPAD8 = 83U; //!< Keycode for the \c PAD8 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPAD9 = 84U; //!< Keycode for the \c PAD9 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPADADD = 85U; //!< Keycode for the \c PADADD key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPADSUB = 86U; //!< Keycode for the \c PADSUB key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPADMUL = 87U; //!< Keycode for the \c PADMUL key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPADDIV = 88U; //!< Keycode for the \c PADDDIV key (architecture-dependent)
These points to all keyboard keys available for use in creation of interactive filter. I donât recall a page where you can see all available ones.
Also, I note no period or comma there. No '['
or ']'