Google earth interesting screenshots

We commonly remodel our mountains here in California. I once drove a professional landscape grader at work; now when I drive I enjoy taking in the beautiful cut slopes and fill slopes.

Iimages courtesy United States Dept. of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Western Lands.

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woodland is a complex issue involving difficult moral compromises

Currently things are going well in my neighbourhood

Ash die back, Severe oak decline and vandalism on the negative side are being outweighed by some skillful wildflower meadow and new tree planting

Not all of survived of course but I must have put in over 100 trees myself lucky to have the opportunity with groups such as Woodland trust , Tree council , Derbyshire Heartland forest and Holmebrook Conservation

the area was green belt until 1970s so to compensate for the loss at the time a spinney of trees was planted

and existing trees preserved

This area is arguably the most interesting the style of double hedge and variety of trees means it must be quite old

It is on a path which passes an oak which features in the capture challenge here is yet another version

At one time it was quite a well heeled area and the centre of power however that was centuries ago it is now predominantly working people

the path leads to a Norman Chapel which belonged to the Eyre family


According to an old QI annual the English Oak is found all over Europe while the Scots pine is unique to Scotland though we might add one or two to the fields mentioned in the later post


Mamacita’s Saigon Tacos did not disappoint.

I understand they have a new location in District 1; this out-of-the-way District 2 spot across the river from downtown has already been listed as permanently closed on google… no wonder the staff showed us two other menus and hesitated before bringing out the mexican food one…

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Found this on Reddit a while back:


It is really there. For your convenience,

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