A second version. PlayRaw is a good opportunity to try out some of the (too) many LUTs I collected.
20240712_0928_RT-3.jpg.out.pp3 (15.3 KB)
A second version. PlayRaw is a good opportunity to try out some of the (too) many LUTs I collected.
Harder, Stronger
Harder and stronger for sure!
Better …?
Faster - No way!
Thanks. And nice edit!
Yah got to be different, don’tcha!
Where have all the flowers gone … .
A quick Filmulator render.
That’s art!
I like the range of green’s and the dry grass elements in this one the best so far…in your edit the greens punctuate the landscape and don’t smother it…
A lot of them at least on my paltry monitor at work look pretty unnatural, and maybe in some cases at least, well out of gamut… but the title did seem a bit like a request for a good old contrast/color turbo charge…
Put them back! Lol
Great angle and framing; love the angle of the sunlight.
Stuck to as-shot WB (love the Panasonic color science/calibration), and tinkered around with Color EQ for a saturated Velvia 50-ish look.
Thanks for the share!