Another one, for a faded look:
Thanks already for the nice contributions!
On my part, I’ve applied our CLUT compression algorithm (see An Efficient 3D Color LUT Compression Algorithm Based on a Multi-Scale Anisotropic Diffusion Scheme - Archive ouverte HAL) and started to integrate the existing CLUTs directly in the G’MIC plug-in.
I’m currently updating the web page with the new CLUTs :
Looks like things are going well so far Thanks again for all your contributions, and do not hesitate to add more interesting stuffs to this thread!
PS: G’MIC integrates the proposed CLUT in a (lossy) compressed form. I’m planning also to propose a .zip archive with all the CLUTs in two forms : .png
HaldCLUTs, and .cube
@patdavid, do you think we could set up a specific page on the PIXLS.US website to offer this pack of free CLUTs when it will be ready ?
IMHO it would be good to introduce some categorization/order to make the collection even more useful. One could be to organize them in “packs”, similar to what @stefan.chirila did. Another idea would be to separate grading LUTs and correction LUTs, and further split the former into b/w related including colour key and sepia etc. vs colour grading, film simulation, …
Any thoughts or suggestions?
Well[quote=“chris, post:24, topic:14422”]
Any thoughts or suggestions?
Why not, but in a second step ?
Having sub-categories is interesting when you have a lot of LUTs (several dozens at least I’d say).
So far, we have gathered 10 CLUTs, so I don’t see right now the need for subcategories.
10 in about 24 hours. If we keep this pace, we may approach the thousands early next year .
The point is, that I have no issue (besides lack of time) ordering (categorizing, tagging, …) my photographs, but what I find extremely difficult is keeping track of additional assets (such as CLUTs). The categorization is one of the topics here, another would be versioning. I was just thinking how to make this approach maintainable for both sides, the creator of the pieces and the collection as well as the user. And with this, the question how and where to organize such metadata.
Another question, that I tried really hard but was not able to find out so far, what does the “Hald” in HaldCLUT stand for?
I especially like the first 2. What software did you use? RT?
The downside to LUTs is that although they give you the colours you want, there is no way to figure out what was done.
Hi Stefan, thank you. I used RT to produce a first HaldCLUT for my own use. To get this look, I played with the HSV equalizer, to manipulate the hues (for example, render the greens bluer) and reduce the saturation. I also used a simple tone curve (maybe the L* one) to lift the shadows. Unfortunately I’ve lost the original .pp3 corresponding to this look, I only have the HaldCLUT left.
However I found my original HaldCLUT to be too strong, both in tone and color changes, so from the first HaldCLUT I made a second one with deeper shadows.
And the final look you can see in the images I posted above, is the result of each HaldCLUT at 50% to get a more subtle effect (I realized that I always turned down the amount, and found 50% to be a good balance).
when you create halds from RT do you find you need to change any settings? such as rendering intent or colour space in order to get an accurate depiction of the changes? I haven’t done it in a long time but I found I had issues with brightness back in the day
Sorry about being perhaps too vague
I think I understand what you mean. Indeed, in the past I’ve had troubles: in RT I applied some color/tone changes, applied the .pp3 to the “neutral HaldCLUT”, saved the new HaldCLUT, and when I tried to apply the new HaldCLUT the result was sometimes very different from the .pp3 changes. I even discussed about this here I think, but it was a long time ago.
soo… do you have a method to create an accurate hald clut? if so, is there any special procedure, or did they just fix bugs and now RT does it right right off the bat?
I sometimes find my preview image in RT is somewhat lighter than the resulting exported JPG and I fail to figure out why
I love the idea, but I’ve got a better idea .
Darktable 2.7 (beta) allows you to import LUTS. However, you can only create styles jn darktable and not LUTS. It would be very handy if we could export luts from darktable.
What color profile do you use? Try Srgb when exporting. It should stay the same.
Lately I haven’t paid much attention to the accuracy of my HaldCLUT’s. You can look here when I mentioned issues I encountered while making HaldCLUT’s.
Sounds like a color management difference between RT and the image viewer.
In terms of colour management. If a program is unamanaged it defaults to sRGB I believe (if I am not wrong). So maybe if I set the output profile to that… hmm
While trying to emulate certain looks, I’ve observed that LUTs can be thought of as two types of operations combined:
Would this cover all the bases? I am aware that 1. can produce color shifts too, but curves are limited to producing values of R as a function of R while 2. produces R as a function of RGB.
I think that having a mental deconstruction process helps to demystify LUTs
Great idea.
To make this manageable I would love to see something like the following (yes, I know know that i am ‘asking’ instead of ‘doing’ so feel free to ignore me)
A searchable website based on tags (i.e. warm, cool, grunge,
high contrast, soft, retro, film sim, etc…) where users can rate and download them. Each LUT should be applied a to the same set of 3-5 images that can show off what the LUT can do. I picture something like the Chrome store for the rating and downloads. Chrome Web Store
Eventually the highest rated ones can be merged into packs based on one some of the tags.
From RawPedia:
“CLUT” means “Color Look-Up Table”, while what “Hald” means is anyone’s guess.
Categorizing, tagging…
I mentioned on various occasions it being difficult to navigate and understand the list of CLUTs. I mean, take a look: this is just a third of the available CLUTs on the reference page:
I found this explanation: "A hald clut is a Colour Look-Up Table with three dimensions, a cube, but stored by IM as a square image. The table is indexed by an RGB triplet, and each entry in the table is also an RGB triplet, so the colours in an image can be transformed by a hald clut.
I don’t know the origin of the word “hald”. Perhaps an acronym: “Higher And Lower Dimension”? Or named after the person who devised it? I don’t know." at Editing with hald cluts
Colour lookup tables; in order to be as complete as can be, need to feature something of an HSL matrix; with a given number of Hues, and a range of Saturation and Lightness for each, which you then fill in with the results that the given edit would give. If you graph it out you get a cube (a 3 dimensional graph featuring X,Y,Z coordinates). The HaldCLUT is a means to render that in 2 dimensions, conveniently in a TIFF.
I recall having that conversation with @snibgo on the IM forums. What matters is that it works well.