Help with basic profiles and live switching of Scene and Display reffered workflows


my dearest apologize for this noobish question, I just started with Darktable and I am really impressed how smart it is … I was using in past mostly RawTherapee (and also sometimes < 10% a commercial software like LR or Luminar) … I have few questions

  1. When I open the unedited photo is it possible to re-apply a default set default modules (scene Vs display referred) ? I always want to check the starting position. Going to main settings to change the default set, then quit to lightroom, discard whole history stack and re-opening the photo is very tedious. This is also related to question number two

  2. I absolutely don’t catch how am I supposed to keep more versions of image … Should I use the “duplicate” function in lightroom ? It works like here on the screenshot. Please see screenshot, additional question is there - can I have some visible “titular tags” in the lightroom ?

Duplicating the image will create a new xmp file like this, which is probably correct

> ls -l _RAW/*2383*
-rw-r--r-- 1 dpecka users     7394 Feb 14 10:25 _RAW/DSC_2383_01.NEF.xmp
-r--r--r-- 1 dpecka users 59054821 Feb 13 17:07 _RAW/DSC_2383.NEF
-rw-r--r-- 1 dpecka users    14435 Feb 13 20:02 _RAW/DSC_2383.NEF.pp3
-rw-r--r-- 1 dpecka users    25575 Feb 14 10:00 _RAW/DSC_2383.NEF.xmp

Thank you very much for your input !!!


  1. how can I switch in the beginning of the editing between scene and display referred workflows and the more importantly to (re-)apply them in the darkroom \wo tedious going to main settings, discarding history, re-opening, etc …

  2. how am I supposed to work with versions of image - using “duplicate” function ? what about weird change of some tags, what about some visible titular tags in lightroom ?

thanks and regards, ~dan

For this, open an image in darkroom, in whatever workflow you want, then click the button at the lower right of the history stack in darkroom to create a style. Tick all the aspects you want to save (may as well do all) and enter a name, then save it. Repeat again for any other workflow you want. Then you can open images with DT set to “none” in the workflow settings, and apply whichever style you want via the little style icon at the lower left of the image in darktable.

For the duplicate question I’m not quite sure - I’m sure someone else can help though.

Good luck!

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thank you very much for your input … I was looking into it but I went into the impression (I was experimenting with it a bit), that while it applies the default modules for given workflow when you initially open an un-edited image, it also derives dynamically (some) values for modules in use from the scene (from the raw) and if you save the “style” like that, you basically “hardcode” these otherwise dynamically derived values … See please screenshot below … I just opened two un-edited images with scene-referred workflow to demonstrate it …

You can’t, unless you make the effort to create two styles (and set workflow to none). But even with styles, you’ll have to discard the history stack and apply the new style.

But what exactly do you want to do, and what do you mean by “display-referred workflow”? If it’s just switching between “filmic”, “sigmoid” and “basecurve”, that’s easy enough to do.
However, a “full” display-referred workflow uses different modules, with a different basic approach to editing (have a look at the available presets in the darkroom for the module layout, the hamburger menu just below the histogram).

If you want to try both workflows, I’d suggest working on a number of images in one workflow, then switch and re-do all the edits in the other (and perhaps a third series with sigmoid instead of filmic, sigmoid is not in a “standard” workflow). If you are used to one, you will probably not feel at ease with the other just after switching…

If I want to start a new version, I use “duplicate” in the darkroom view. I’ve never used “duplicate” in the lightroom view. The extra xmp file is indeed how dt tracks duplicates (and let’s not start the discussion about “standards” again, please…)

That change you show in maker and model tags looks suspicious. Perhaps one of the devs has more to say about that.

EDIT: which version of dt are you using? The latest version (4.2) has “latitude” set to zero in filmic, yours shows a latitude of ~50%, which is the “old” setting. (latitude is indicated by the two white dots next to the orange dot, which indicates “18% gray” in scene-referred).

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Ummm… yes I forgot about that bit… :grimacing:
There’s not really an ideal solution, as the idea of the scene/display referred options is more meant to be set to suit your preferred way of working, and left like that, if that makes sense. Edit: And I think the only really dynamic setting is filmic… exposure is set differently, but it’s only a preset, not really dynamic.

I can see 4.0.1 in the screenshot I think?

yes, I do, pretty up-to-date version I think …

> flatpak info org.darktable.Darktable

darktable - Organize and develop images from digital cameras

          ID: org.darktable.Darktable
         Ref: app/org.darktable.Darktable/x86_64/stable
        Arch: x86_64
      Branch: stable
     Version: 4.0.1
     License: GPL-3.0+
      Origin: flathub
  Collection: org.flathub.Stable
Installation: user
   Installed: 91.2 MB
     Runtime: org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/42
         Sdk: org.gnome.Sdk/x86_64/42

      Commit: ffe32b5c29648562b2c400c4bf3df2832ca165a216ea6292e5a741f7e353955b
      Parent: 3a97bc48bb1283a5102d4ed6a6a995a0e1832b69210429d279a2a6a397033c41
     Subject: Update darktable to 4.0.1 (72657db3)
        Date: 2022-09-18 03:49:01 +0000

I started with Darktable mainly because of I was interested in the Lightroom (to improve organising my collection) but it turns out that the Lightroom won’t help me much but along the way I’ve found that Darktable uses pretty exciting and innovative approach for editing and I started loving that … Also worth to note that my heart is opensource … I personally use Linux on my computers but we have several Macs home (so that’s why I mentioned I sometimes also use a commercial software like LR) but using opensource software is just the way I love and my passion so basically I voluntarily use opensource even if it is sometimes more struggle with it …

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The setting for in-camera exposure compensation is dynamic, in that it uses the opposite of the camera correction (-1EV in-camera => exposure module adds +1 EV)

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edit: wait … I see, newer version available … updating

> flatpak search org.darktable.Darktable
Description                                                             Application                        Version            Branch           Remotes
darktable - Organize and develop images from digital cameras            org.darktable.Darktable            4.2.0              stable           flathub
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I’m not 100% sure this is what you want. … But if you use the duplicate feature in darkroom view you can name your duplicates… You can then add using a variable this name to the name displayed in the information line by using that variable…


I am not at my PC will add 2 more screen shots for completeness with an edit


So note here I made a duplicate named copy1


If you edit the thumbnail info in preferences it will add that to the displayed file name


and if you do it for the darktable info line


I am not sure if this is what you are looking for??

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This is true but for a scene referred edit you almost always have to change those yourself so its not a major thing…also there is a script available to run the auto picker for those on start-up and some other value…its currently being modified I believe… if you want to check it out its here… Working with modules from Lua scripts in darktable - #42 by Ulrich_Gesing

It gives you the ability to tweak these settings on one or more images


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hello @priort … thanks for input, this certainly will help … however I will stick probably with my old photo management … when I started with Darktable I was interested mostly about the Lightroom part, that it could help me to organize my collection better and more effectively (and sad to say - in LR alike fashion) but it later turned out that there is really not a big difference between basic “files” manager in RT but I’ve immediately felt in love with (for me) innovative processing that employs these workflows (scene and display referred and this intriguing filmic rgb profile rather than good old curves+exposure) … I am looking into it further