Histogram specification?

You could try HISTOGRAMMAR V1.2 2011 HISTOGRAMMAR V1.1 on Guillermo Luijk’s homepage. GUILLERMO LUIJK >> PROGRAMAS >> HISTOGRAMMAR
YMMV in using it.

I do my raw inspection in Mathematica, because so far I have never really bothered to learn Python. If you know Python, you could use rawpy · PyPI which utilizes libraw to import your files and try to find what you’re looking for.

If I understood it’s for windows only ; I’m on Linux

Have you any hints?

Ah sorry, didn’t know you were on Linux. In that case I’m afraid I cannot help you out. What is it you want to do exactly?

I was curious to analize my RAW histograms more in details: view single sensor bin (R,G1,G2;B)… I know I can find into RT with no demosaicing and the inspector…but
I’m amazed in the FOOS there isn’t a software as Rawdigger :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’ve taken up the endeavor a couple of times, but put it aside as more pressing programming arose (sounds more ‘official’ than it is, really about what I felt like doing day-to-day… :smiley: ), Really, I put a bit of work into rawproc’s histogram, and it meets my needs rather well…

I have put some time into a command-line program that’ll read a raw file courtesy libraw, then walk the image array, collect and sum the channel data per value, and puke it out as comma-separated text suitable for opening in your favorite spreadsheet program. Libreoffice makes a nice histogram of the data with it’s column chart. Works okay on my test raw, but it’s not easily compiled by non-programmers in its present state.

Really, Rawdigger isn’t such a commercial abomination; it helps fund libraw, the open-source core library that some of us use in our raw processing programs.

Indeed I agree with this, but:

RawDigger is a microscope of sorts that lets you drill down into raw data both on Mac OS X and Windows.


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Didn’t realize that. Danged GUIs… :laughing:

Now is your chance to make a Linux version and call it “Raw Butcher”


Well, I almost have one, if you don’t mind your GUI being LibreOffice/Excel… :scream:

I can draw you a clever icon :wink:

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Hi Glenn,
we are waiting :smiley:

PS. Idea :thinking: … and if RT ( because it’s capable to make RAW histogram but in the 0-255 range for gui and velocity needs) could export a RAW histogram scale 1:1 ??

@dafrasaga Gabriele, you might find this interesting: Improvements to change main histogram to 65535 bins by Thanatomanic · Pull Request #5904 · Beep6581/RawTherapee · GitHub :wink:
The wish is to include this change for the 5.9 release of RT, but it needs some polishing up first.

Good :+1: