I prefer your top edit.
Well I think we usually prefer top edits
I got distracted by other issues, and forgot to thank everyone for their contributions to my photo!
Certainly lots for me to think about. I think I may tend towards overly tame processing than some of you folks
Thanks again for sharing your work.
Gave it a shot…I really wanted to try to get the bee to be the focus. I masked in the tone eq to try to give it a bit of pop, then applied a similar mask in the sharpen module. Other than that it was just a bit of color adjustment to taste, a crop,vignette, contrast eq and some other basic adjustments.
Thanks for the play, that’s a great shot…all my bees are usually fat and lazy.
Edit in dt 5.0
TZ5_3039.NEF.xmp (16.8 KB)
That’s impressive! I was set up for a static shot of a pretty flower, so when the bee showed up I wasn’t ready with a fast shutter speed and faster fingers to make a proper capture. But you’ve squeezed a lot of sharpness out of my image!