How does RT editor window rendering intent work?

Thank you @kofa, for pointing this out. I also noticed this reply further down in your thread:

If I do:
./iccDumpProfile 'CG279X(35945120)10Display-100-D65.icc'
I get:

Profile:          'CG279X(35945120)10Display-100-D65.icc'
Profile ID:       Profile ID not calculated.
Size:             8480(0x2120) bytes

Attributes:       Reflective | Glossy
Cmm:              Unknown 'MSFT' = 4D534654
Creation Date:    1/27/2022  20:03:28
Creator:          'Eizo' = 45697A6F
Data Color Space: RgbData
Flags             EmbeddedProfileFalse | UseAnywhere
PCS Color Space:  XYZData
Platform:         Microsoft
Rendering Intent: Perceptual
Type:             DisplayClass
Version:          4.20
Illuminant:       X=0.9642, Y=1.0000, Z=0.8249

Profile Tags
                      Tag    ID      Offset	    Size
                     ----  ------    ------	    ----
    profileDescriptionTag  'desc'       276	     172
             copyrightTag  'cprt'       448	     152
   chromaticAdaptationTag  'chad'       600	      44
       mediaWhitePointTag  'wtpt'       644	      20
             luminanceTag  'lumi'       664	      20
           redColorantTag  'rXYZ'       684	      20
         greenColorantTag  'gXYZ'       704	      20
          blueColorantTag  'bXYZ'       724	      20
Unknown 'vcgt' = 76636774  'vcgt'       744	    1554
                redTRCTag  'rTRC'      2300	    2060
              greenTRCTag  'gTRC'      4360	    2060
               blueTRCTag  'bTRC'      6420	    2060

Where I find:
Rendering Intent: Perceptual

Is that the verdict? The calibration result icc profile for an EIZO CG279X using their ColorNavigator7 software hard codes Rendering Intent: Perceptual? (I calibrate using Windows dual boot, but prefer Linux, so I transfer the monitor profile icc result to Debian Gnome Color management). Calibrated state is stored semi-persistently in monitor.

If I do:
./iccDumpProfile 'CG279X(35945120)10Display-100-D65.icc' ALL
I get several ‘LUTs’ but I do not know what to look for.

On the input side I am using Canon 5D mk IV with RT | Color tab | Color management | Auto matched color profile selected. This point to ‘Canon EOS 5D Mark IV.dcp’.

Edit: Are color profiles with multiple rendering intent rare? This not discussed very often, as I see it.