How to add camera support to libraw/darktable?

I was trying to add support for the R5mk2 into libraw and darktable but I must miss a part. Here’s what I did so far.

Adding the colormatrix from Adobe into colordata.cpp:

	{ LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Canon, "EOS R5 Mark II", 0, 0,
	  { 9396,-2598,-1207,-4408,12296,2369,-505,1575,6077 } },

and adding the cameraID to libraw_cameraids.h:

#define CanonID_EOS_R5m2          (0x80000000ULL + 0x496ULL)

adding the camera to canon.cpp in the FF part:

           || (id == CanonID_EOS_R5)
           || (id == CanonID_EOS_R5m2)

adding it to cameralist.cpp:

	"Canon EOS R5",
	"Canon EOS R5 Mark II",

and to normalize_model.cpp:

      { CanonID_EOS_R5,            "EOS R5"},
      { CanonID_EOS_R5m2,          "EOS R5 Mark II"},

in darktable I changed cameras.xml:

	<Camera make="Canon" model="Canon EOS R5m2" supported="no">
		<ID make="Canon" model="EOS R5 Mark II">Canon EOS R5 Mark II</ID>

and imageio_libraw.c:

    .exif_make = "Canon",
    .exif_model = "Canon EOS R5m2",
    .clean_make = "Canon",
    .clean_model = "EOS R5 Mark II",
    .clean_alias = "EOS R5 Mark II"

Finally to get rid of the wb warning I copy pasted another one into wb_presets (will be done as soon as i have the camera myself as well as the noiseprofile). But darktable still says it cant find the color matrix for the raw file I downloaded. Did I miss something or are the preproduction raw files just a little bit different to the final ones?